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Everything posted by PotPieCake

  1. PotPieCake

    Please :\

    Well my computer is @#%$ed atm otherwise I would do this myself Could somone just make a valhalla mod with some Anti Air Wraiths like about 4? Just message me if you did it please. Thanks.
  2. PotPieCake


    I know text sucks but hey... (There reason the name says "Seno" is because thats the name I use on most forums. If you really don't believe I made this, i'll send you the PSD(Photoshop Design)) v1 http://i334.photobucket.com/albums/m437/Seferagic_Signature/Stare.png v2- added a few more things http://i334.photobucket.com/albums/m437/Seferagic_Signature/STARE2-1.png v3- Added even more things http://i334.photobucket.com/albums/m437/Seferagic_Signature/Stare5.png v4- Black and white v3 http://i334.photobucket.com/albums/m437/Seferagic_Signature/BlacknwhiteStare.png Rate And Hate, also tell me the one you like the most
  3. Actually its not going to be called halo 4 its going to be called like "Halo:" Then some title, like on halo 1 it was "Halo: Combat Evolved" Basically, if you watch after the credits of the halo 3 ending you see that Chief and Cortana didin't make it through the warp or whatever, so they were left behind. But apparently in halo 4 you find out that they made it , except they didin't make it all the way. They went somwhere else, and somthing about The ship crashing to this new planet and Cortana wakes him up and they find out that they are on a planet where Other Spartans are trapped. So apparently Master Chief isin't that last Spartan... ^Don't ask me where I found that, Just trust mehz. Oh and btw it comes out in either 2009,2010, or 2011. We Will have to wait an see I suppose? And to let ya know, Halo 4 isin't the end of the game, There will be more ^.^
  4. If you look closely you can see that the second sword isin't in his hand, Somone is holding it in forge
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