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Everything posted by SashedKnight

  1. It's nice to dream that one day we will all be doing this... but for now.. lets bask in the devs mods...
  2. You might want to get pics to avoid this being moved... However, it does sound pretty good, I'll DL in a moment...
  3. SashedKnight

    The Pit Bound

    Can someone show me this in a custom game? or Bungie Link's are fine too...
  4. Soooo old.... but nice gamevee vid...
  5. Well looking good and being good or two very different things... I just tried it with a few of my friends and they wanted a DL link for it, so why not actually play it before critizing it?
  6. I thought you were done modding, what made you continue?
  7. Yea I understand, I like some of your mods and I could see these not be your time most spent on ones. Allright then.
  8. Not to at all flame you(im older so I guess this shouldn't be a threat to you) but none of these maps actually caught my interest.... I DLed each one of these and well didn't keep any of them... They were either random... or good ideas with no actually use to em... but like I said it wasn't to flame you.... It was more on the critizing side....
  9. Can someone make a Bungie.net DL? I cant use my XSata still. (Trying to work out minor bugs)
  10. Im sort of nervous on my stand on this site as far as the new update goes... I had plenty of posts on my previous account but not on this one... but as you said you are unbanning people so I guess I can return to that one... Unless its Email is still a problem for the site...
  11. Well I had a few of my friends who were in his site to aid me in seeking rightful vengeance... If anything he has over 30+ reports against him with pcitures and everything... Never say I did something I never did or had intention on doing... cuz now WE did...
  12. So dark, you thought that I had anything to do with this spying? First off, when I came into your group I had no idea about Fatal, I saw his posts on this site every now and then, but I never saw this list until after I played with few people from here, which they brought me to here. Secondly, Fatal and I have a 5-8 minutes of talk maybe once a week if he invites me or if I invite him, we dont see each other at any other time, cuz if I join a game with a modder as host I get booted so I just dont join his games all together... By all means, ban me from the forum, your being parranoid now and taking your parranoia out on people who had no idea of this accident until your brought it up. The source that Fatal has can and will still be out there, and removing me just removes a member all together... At this rate any person that played with Fatal at any point is your target of parranoia. Just be the bigger man and say it was a mistake... You probly didn't mean to get his mods on your list... but yea... w/e floats your boat... I honestly don't want your list anyways.... Fatal has more mods than you and he did an honest job at getting them... and thanks to you, I was able to come back here and find this out, so gratz...
  13. Abyss every post I have seen from you involve some sort of pointless remark... Whether or not he made the mod or not... it is still a mod that he has and that his friend from what he says allowed him to release... On topic: I still need the two tracks from ShotSpartin117, Phantom Race, and Floodraid by JIME108, any chance of getting those fatal?
  14. i still don't get why you have Stealth helmet there... It's just a rouge helmet tilted forwards.... having that their is like saying The Master Chief baby is a mod, which all it is, is a player model hitting the floor or wall too hard...
  15. Can someone convert those into Bungie Downloads so I can play them, directed to the race tracks.
  16. Why is stealth helmet under modded screenshots? Its just a rouge helmet that had been bent after being knocked aganst the fence wall.
  17. Well, i congragulate you on this, but this can be done without modding... Sign off of live, get your name(as in make a new account) as MasterCheif and/or Master Chief, play campaign and then take a picture in theater, but sign into live with your original account when u take that picture so that instead of a blank author you will have your original name as the author, making it seem like u modded it, when u actually did not... Not saying u didn't mod it, just saying this isnt much of an accomplishment... I would definatly believe you if u can do something better than just a name change.... but as of the moment I have doubts...
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