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Everything posted by SashedKnight

  1. Can someone make me a neat looking office type area on The Pit that is only accessible by a teleporter and it includes desks and what not to make it look all "officy", and have a monitor on a table that is linked to a camera with a small area with nothing in it but enough room to move around that is also only accessible by a teleporter? The rooms could be made by some sort of wall or something. I have an idea for a map, but I just need that part done with mods. If you can do it, please message me a download link to it.
  2. Dang it, now I have to do this too. Zombie attack in Massachusetts, heck yeah!
  3. @Korupt Data, Here is the Jackal, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsN8V7j4kgM Here is the Grunt, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRzzlVWZGOo @Everyone else, If anyone knows the film below(or any others not mentioned in the OP) and where I can find them, that would be awesome. Here is the Jackal, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsN8V7j4kgM I guess just put it as the 24th/6th slot in your File Share, and send it to me in a PM.
  4. SashedKnight


    Does anyone have the the Jackal Campaign Save Film on The Covenant? If you have or know anyone with any others besides the ODST on The Covenant and The Ark, he Brute on The Ark, and the Grunt on The Covenant then I would like those as well. Just a random request, if you can't then you can't, that's cool, just felt like throwing it out there..
  5. Is this going to be free forever or is it going to be like Mercs 2 and have it free for a week I get RRoD and then cost money the day I come back?
  6. I've seen a much more accurate one called Butcher Creek, but this is pretty nice too. EDIT: After playing this, I would rather chose this one over Butcher Creek, can't fall of as easily and the bases are much nicer.
  7. I'm not totally clear on this, but is there indeed a way to share the maps among accounts or something? At least that's what I am thinking from this thread anyways...
  8. Man... I wish I was here at the time you were doing this... well if you do it again, tell me... I have some neat ideas... =/
  9. Not to be mean, as I appreciate everyone here... but uhh, was this post necesary? I mean all this post really did was just say, "Oh looky here! I haz teh mapz and you don't, but I won't share!" Kind of useless if you ask me... but uhh, Rogue, do you need the code to do what you wanted? or what?
  10. *Eats popcorn* This is getting fun... Like a "Days of Our Lives" thing... but on the "fo realz" level... This is getting out of hand, no one seems to care about the OP anymore, just about the other poster's real life... Oh teh internetz... never shall thou change... @Halodude, have you figured out if a bipd swapped Arbiter still follows you over a retail xbox?
  11. Yea, any film no matter how long or what you were doing is nice...
  12. Can anyone who has a modded film of them on Halo please share here? I am sort of trying to make a mod-tage... and I want to do it with all the modded films I can get.... so far I only have the Jackal(Jime) and ODST(Halodude)... I am looking for more ODST than anything else to fit with the upcoming Halo 3 ODST game... but anything is good if you have it... even if it's just a few seconds of you staring at the floor, I will still love to have it... Thanks for any help... and please don't try to find something negative in this.... I am simply trying to make something cool that I just thought of... and when/if the mod-tage is ever done, then I will put your name in the credits and what-not if you wish to do so... Note: Keep in mind I am trying to only get stuff that is reachable by fileshare so I can DL/get it onto halo... Since I do not own a transfer kit Note#2: and yes, I know it's only done my dev kits, so don't hassle me about it... if you paid someone for a modded film/save and have the film of it... that's all I want...
  13. Isn't this how Halo 2 map modding became public? People fighting to be the better one, eventually getting untrustworthy people information they shouldn't have... Or at least that's how I thought it began...
  14. I call seconds for Dark's Modding! Dark you definitely should get one soon.... it would rock...
  15. Well if you know 100% that the co-operative modded A.I will follow in a gamesave, I will buy from you without a doubt... I have an idea and it would be awesome if it worked =D So i guess I will wait for someone who did buy it with a co-op biped switch then I guess tell me if it worked...
  16. I'll buy this mod if you answer these few questions... and the resulting answer still makes me happy =D Can i play as Cortana, hunter, flood pure tank form, prophet or the monitor? If you modded Arbiter to be something different let's say Cortana(if possible to do anyways), would the biped that was swapped with it still follow you, or will it just be a useless A.I?
  17. I've always wanted to know this... could you allow us to be the prophet, cortana, or Pure tank form flood?
  18. I remember the good ole days when Shot was just trying to prove he was a normal modder... and he failed at that... Now he was suppose to have quit modding when he said he would... yet he hasn't shut up about modding since... Still a sad kid Shot...
  19. I know we all hate shot, but I mean these pics are really no different than his.... Just cuz he knows Anthony and junk he shouldn't be presumed as a legit modder... All in all I think I could only believe this is if it were a good detailed video... I mean we said Shot had to do it, but he couldn't cuz he phails... so why couldn't quick be able do it? I'm not saying it's fake, but you took things from one angle, the flamethrower gatilin gun could have been anything as well as the fuel rod horn could have been easliy added in to trick us... Don't consider this a flame, just a suggestion to prove to others that you indeed are legit...
  20. Honestly, with Halo 3 slowly sinking under the pressure of the upcoming games, I will wait for the price to be much lower, I know it's just a range... but i rather see that range lowered before I make up my mind... Now, if I were to even think about buying it now, i would want to know this... Can you mod Councilor Elites from Halo 2 as the spartan? Would I be able to have cortanas as the marines, she be able to move around perfectly and have no problems shooting and would look cool doing it.. and would I be able to get flaming recon spartans as every other character(more than likely as the flood, I have movie ideas, ya know.) Could I have the save forever? As in if I wanted to play a new campaign would the save just disapear or what? and would I be able to start from different checkpoint w/o the save going away? If I can do that, I will just pay the ranging price... but if not to any of the stuff, I will just wait for a 5-10$ range... and if you can do that stuff, how much would you be willing to accept for it to be done(lowest price possible plz =P)?
  21. We're not haters... we are just smart...
  22. Hey are you ever going to convert those racetracks into actual DLs? I have been dieing to get them for a while...
  23. lol exactly
  24. *Ignore Double Post*
  25. Oh please can someone change shot's name to that! lol and btw Shot, a few of those people come to this site... why lie when they can clearly see it? and another thing... you said you would never release a program like this... and so after a few hundred insults... you release a fake one? Phail... Just give up, you've dug so far deep into a pit of isolation that even if you were to release a .map mod(very unlikely)... it would be totally useless now...
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