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Everything posted by Zephdo

  1. Thats dumb why do a service for money that you can't even doo
  2. Only reason people are dicks to him in this thread is because he lied once again and never learns his lessen.
  3. im with xpargas, go with eathalo
  4. I'll do it. whats ur aim or msn?
  5. i am running it as admin
  6. dark i tried your resigner and used this kv but nothing i hex rehash and resign but the map refuses to show up.
  7. i have tried to get a working resigner but i have had no luck. i have tried all the resigners and kvs i can find for nxe but none of them will work. Can anyone help me?
  8. Zephdo

    Modded GamerTag

    Only a small group of people know how to do this. Their will not be a tutorial released. You can copy a gamertag it was shown in the video. Many people tried to do this an failed, I bet the same will go for this eli fellow.
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