Those huskeys are crazy hardheaded i hear you may need to hire someone considering her age at 5 its going to be even harder to train so give it a go by your self if you cant train it go for a trained... umm trainer i geuss you could say uhh wtf just came on tv thats fkn weird oh ok im back that was weird but yeah do that and you should be fine
man watch this they well im not going to say wat im thinking dont want to offend anyone but i dont thiink that this is all that good watched it all old stuff that every one knows how to do
1440 bottels of percaset on the wall wtf is percaset whats a wall and for that matter why are they even placed on a wall thats not a rashonal place to put a bottel of medicen
yeah da robos be taken ovr FLEE RUN TO THE UNDERGROUND BUNKERS OF FLUFLAMHOLINFLIBIDYFLOP YOU HAS TO HAS A KEY ITS A PEACE OF MAgical cheese thats shaped like a piece of honey backed ham on a skillet and the cheese is swiss but slitley moldy onley slitley though but we has got to kill the gaurds there befor they arm the gatline gun in shoot us all like bang bop pow pop * contiuing gun sounds* then we has to save da prinses from da evil goblin or he will take us away no her away after that then we be safe *in a heroic voice* its going to be a long jorney mefn so stalk up on mead boar health and mana potions *hardy seamanns lauph* they disenbarkes his hores white staline of a thousand deaths and continuse in to camp...
how the hell dose a bot have post or dose it make sense why aam i replieing to one why am talking to on why am i looking at his post why did i call it a him y am i reading a bots topic wat could i learn im confused im a go
yeah 15-20 i think some people dont have that many but are fun to talk to and some have helped (like with some of there post/topics you know programs and what not)the site alot plus 50 post will mean SPAMERS and we all hate spamers mabey we give it to select people that dont have 50 post i think that would be better.
frist off why dont you stop being a dick because i gave you a fkn complment secondley my mom and dad are dead so i think that you should think about wat you say befor you say it
oh yeah man and bungie always tells the truth theve n never ever lied i mean the map editor that was sooo uber true man there probley going to remake ill sign fkn love that map it was da bomb and rvb could go back witch would be sweet aswell ok signed it oh this had better not be a phisher
k thanks iliketurtels was trying to through me off track lol jk but it seems like were forgeting something that he needs awell its 400 am i probley juss tierd
emm u cant see it well i cant but i have seen one of those on another site idk if im allowed to say the other site name but its... lolololol smoki caan i tell them