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Everything posted by WTFPEACHES

  1. ******* trash misleading people get over yourselves flame away i will no longer be visiting this site
  2. i have hexxed my way on to many leaders boards Castle Crashers(Pre-Noob Infestation)/Kingdom For Kelfing/Arkadian Warriors/Peggle and i have never got banned
  3. just hex edit your profile to have enough experience
  4. player_radiusDamageMultiplier lower the number to null almost all grenade damage
  5. this member traded me a banned keyvault after we had a deal for a premium rs account for a unbanned KV and has yet to fulfill his end of the deal
  6. ill play GT: Elite Hippie
  7. wait the 180 hit donate then exit the donate window then hit ok
  8. http://www.speedtest.net/result/222969736.png
  9. you can sign up and migrate your CharlieOscarDelta Acc to the COD site and then your a instant VIP which guarantees you a Beta Code
  10. really mature dude i'm just saying its cold to sell to a friend just give it to him
  11. still selling a beta code is low also the bold should never go together
  12. i could really care less dude site owner or not thats a dick move selling a beta code
  13. you are the cancer thats kills betas don't get one if all your gonna do is sell it
  14. your trying to be a attention ***** and demand congrats for "discovering" something alot of people knew if they are gonna get fable 2 and have pub games
  15. fixed this was done days after of the pub games release its simple hex editing no congrats deserved thats like congratulating you every time you take a s***
  16. this
  17. ...
  18. why must sites use a point system to view content? i signed up to view the forums content in entirety why do i have to do other random dumb tasks to simply view content? also why not have a premium service and charge like 1 to 2 bucks and remove the "hide hack" for those members and give them more and all of the VIP rights on the forum?
  19. Elite Hippie
  20. That item can be added via Con editing.
  21. flash and java support is iffy also the ajax is still a bit screwy
  22. if you still need people GT: Elite Hippie
  23. I saw this mentioned in a few threads does some have it? also is it .map editing or just a simple gametype rip i was leaning toward .map but thats just my guess only informed responses please
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