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Everything posted by ILIKEPIE 2

  1. I didnt hack anything i dont even know how, the only thing i did was ask they guy that hacked it the first time to make me a moderator. thats all i did, it was fun for a while just have ing my name blue but i didnt do anything bad to the site.
  2. My account got banned too (Xpargas) I was warrned by Dark slipstream and i didnt do anything else, then i came back the next day and i was banned.
  3. I will do it but you have to make the map, im to lazy. When you are done with it just send it to my GT Xpargas and tell me everything you want changed (example) Frag grenade- Elite clone, Plasma grenade-flood form.... and so on
  4. This is xpargas, i got banned, im not going to make that for you because it sound lame and pointless i will only do maps that sound intresting and have not alredy been done. Think of something original and i will do it for you
  5. bobshminkle did not mod this, he doesnt know how, he just makes the maps and get people to mod them. I have modded 2 maps for him so i know he didnt mod this
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