God. Losing this site feels like Im losing my very own child. I remembered staying up days and nights trying to learn how to mod both Halo 2 and Halo 3. Using the good ol' export 360 tool from Codejunkies in order to dock my hard drive. Fighting over the first resigner and having people actually sell them to people when we can get them free. I remember seeing pictures of snowhalla when Halo 3 was in its prime, thinking I wanna do that one day, and being turned down cause I would need a dev kit when now we have J-tags. The sligstorm conspiracy if he was actually a real modder or just stole mods. And one name that stands out the most is SmokiestGrunl. Hes the one who got me started on Halo 2 modding, this guy made some amazing tutorials and unlike people now a days who just shib shab tutorials on how to mod and asking them for help, they just ignore you and wish the best. If you pm'ed this guy he would tell you how to do it. I swear there was no other place better than iBotmodz to go for your modding needs. As it was my first modding site, it was also my favorite. And among se7ensins and Xbox360-tampers (when they were in business) it was also the most user friendly. So long to such a great community, Im gonna miss occasionally coming on here to get hit by massive nostalgia. Shout out to khaosmaster or bigkillerjoe whatever you name might be now haha. It was fun guys. - Aerial
I remember coming on this site and people were paying for Resigners to mod halo 3, and coming on here constantly for H2 mods, a user by the name smokiestgrunl was my hero
Many of you Psp users who have access to Custom Firmware may not know the capabilities of it. With CwCheat, a useful cheat/mod/hex editor can be used in many ways. Modding online is easiest for games such as Call of duty Roads to Victory or Medal Of Honor. With CwCheat you can enable god mode, no clip, and other commands in a snap. You can even make your own mods with CwCheat. Using its hex editor if you find the total amount of a number in your HUD lets say a pistol holds a max of 111 rounds. If you 111 in the hex editor and find the pistols name, you can edit it to have infinite ammo by just adding xxx for each value. Other mods take more studying but anything is possible on the psp other than the Xbox or PS3. You cannot get banned or suspended from PSP Network so have fun. Medal of Honor has plenty of mods already installed when you download CwCheat.
I would buy one but i dont know how internet money shizzle works, im not giving the internet my credit card number so, i would buy a recon mod video with me dong some crazy projectiles for 25$ maybe, but thats if i were to pay you