Do it urself it only take about 20$ look for xboxcontrollor kit on ebay need help check out my tut;#entry39015
Installation Tutorial for Xbox 360 Dual Rapid Fire Modded Controllers This tutorial is to help you in your installation of my Preprogrammed 8-pin Microchip. The installation must be done exactly as shown in this tutorial or your buttons may not function correctly. WARNING: Please proceed with the installation at your own risk as I will not be held responsible for any damage to your controller, your Xbox 360 or any other equipment. Also know that opening your controller up will void your controllerâs warranty. Step 1 - You should have all of the following Parts & Tools Parts: 2 - 1K Ohm Resistors 2 - Buttons 1 - Preprogrammed Microchip 30G Wire Tools Needed: T8 or T9 Security Torx Screwdriver Small Phillips head screwdriver (wired controllers) Glue Gun Soldering Iron Wire Strippers that can strip 30G wire Wire Cutters Drill with 3/16 Drill Bit (or close to) STEP 2 - Opening the Controller Wireless Controllers - Take your T8 or T9 screwdriver and remove the 7 screws shown in the picture below. Wired Controllers â Take your Small Phillips screwdriver and remove the 7 screws shown in the same location as the picture below. Once you have the controller open place the top, buttons and the thumb sticks off to the side. STEP 3 â GLUE THE CHIP DOWN Take the Preprogrammed Microchip and glue to the controller in the location in the picture below Important: Make sure the notch of the chip is facing the bottom of the controller STEP 4 â Wire Power and Ground to the Microchip Take you soldering iron and solder a 3in long wire to the positive power lead highlighted in the picture below. Also solder another 3in long wire to the ground lead highlighted below STEP 5 â WIRE POWER AND GROUND TO YOUR CHIP Take the other end of the Power wire and wrap the wire around PIN 1 and solder it to the pin, as shown below with red wiring. Now take the other end of the Ground wire and wrap the wire around PIN 8 and solder it to the pin, as shown below with white wiring. STEP 6 â HOOK UP THE 1K RESISTORS Take the (2) 1K Ohm resistors and trim one end down so there is only a little bit left showing Now solder the resistors to the middle lead of the right and left trigger points as shown below in the picture. STEP 7 â INSTALLING THE BUTTONS Take your Drill and Drill holes in the areas of the pictures below of the bottom half of the controller case. Same with the other side STEP 8 â GLUE DOWN YOUR BUTTONS Now hold your buttons in place to make sure they fit and work. When you push your button it will make a click sound. Now that it works, glue them both in place. Like the picture below. STEP 9 â ADDING WIRE TO YOUR BUTTONS Only 2 of the terminals on the each button will be used on the same side of the button, so you can either bend them up or cut them off. Solder 2 wires to each button about 3 â 4 inches in length. STEP 10 â THE OTHER END OF YOUR BUTTONS WIRE One wire will go to the other end of one of the resistors on the same side of the controller. (does not matter which one) The other wire will be soldered to PIN 2 on the chip. As shown below. And for the other button that wire will be soldered to PIN 3 on the chip. STEP 11 â SECURING THE WIRES Now you need secure the wires with your hot glue gun, so they will not get in the way or move around. STEP 12 - Test Controller You have now finished the installation and it is time to test your controller to make sure everything is working. If there is a problem with your installation, retrace your steps and look for mistakes. STEP 13 â PUT THE CONTROLLER TOGETHER You are done with the installation of you mod kit and everything works!!!! Put the case back together again using your tools. This tut was made from xXxStevenxXx of ****** Xbox360ControllerMod.pdf