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Everything posted by iko1223

  1. iko1223

    Halo 2 DLC

    yeah you could extract the folder and make a download link haha yes it would
  2. iko1223

    Halo 2 DLC

    okay i am in the same boat if someone would please post the full DLC for halo 2
  3. there is a mass of giveaways to the "friends and family" allowance to the beta. check bungie chatter to see. Most of them have about 25 codes that they will give to a random few IE. those who send email and join the competition.
  4. actually i didnt post anything in the shout box and no i posted something random to prove i was a member for a program .....
  5. there is much speculation of modding your profile to get free ms points. Is this possible?
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