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About mike33

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Private (4/44)



  1. mike33


    nice!!! thanks alot...
  2. Hey this is V3NOM, im on this account because im banned on all my accounts and my ip from the shoutbox which is dumb because it makes me log out as soon as i click on something. I was going to post in VIP but i got that stripped for the stupidist thing ever Well any way.... Im providinding a service for people on who want it ibm. Here's what it is. Its for level 256 on all characters on Castle Crashers. I dont need to recover your account for the glitch. All you need is Castle Crashers and 2 XBL accounts that have gold. Send iKryyPToNite a FR on XBL with a message that you want the service and your from ibm along with your ibm name. And then I'll do the glitch for you which will teach you how to do it. DONT tell anyone else or do the glitch for anyone else cause then it won't be special anymore. Also that only about 160 people have lvl 256's so dont go arround doing it.
  3. yah!!! thank you
  4. yo thanks alot i pmed you my info and im working on what i want the decal to be ill post it when im done
  5. thanks ps how do you download halo 2 dlc maps? since halo 3 modding has gone down the sh1t hole i want to mod halo 2
  6. link is down
  7. understandable english would be nice and if it had a one year why would you sell it for a one month? you could just give that account to your m8
  8. mike33


    i think it was a good idea but they should have given the avatar better graphics and made a style that wasnt exactly like the wii
  9. yeah seriously give more details like why your selling it
  10. Anthony- i heard that you were also selling some off your programs or other things of that sort if you could pm what your willing to sell...
  11. whats the manufactured date? and how much?
  12. same here
  13. wow im not fkn retarded but everytime i try it it is corrupt idk someone post a link of where they got it from (working)
  14. HaHaHELLL NO!!! sorry for db had to call him out
  15. haha is this reall???
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