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Flying Poo

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Everything posted by Flying Poo

  1. Flying Poo


  2. yea, Freeboot .32 and Dashlaunch 1.0 Its fine when Im editing and playing with Reach & ODST RTH My suspicion is a possible Memory leak or communication issue cause I tried it our WHILE playing a system link game AND editing the memory in the game. The only thing was It didnt reboot after I made a change (ex. projectile swap, then fire the modified gun and expect it to crash.) It was totally random from what I can figure.
  3. anyone else having issues with it randomly resetting their xbox?
  4. sources? Cause I thought that Bungie set in stone that Recon and Mythic wernt due out till fall '09.
  5. I know of at least 3 people that can mod gamertags. Actually, one, I was invited to a party w/ ShadowLag and the mystery gamertag modder. Then shadow went all ballistic cause I asked him a few questions about it... I think its cause I was asking the right questions and answering them myself.
  6. how about some pictures or a schematic. that made my eyes hurt.
  7. Kudos! So what if he stole code or not, If he did, he made it better! Anywho, what is the research so far on a list of hex codes that are modable so far in specific gametypes. Example, Infections starting weapon or bomb respawn time, ect.
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