The same montage except re edited and clips in different order. Enjoy and subscribe!!!!!( done with windows movie maker!!) I gotta admit the starting is the best part of it lol. I dont like taking time on montages.
Here is my latest Montage entitled, Ilovehax:Crushed::A Halo 3 Montage/Funtage Here is the link-
Here is the description so you don't have to read it there: (REMINDER WAS MADE WITH WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER)A halo 3 montage/funtage. This montage is not the best and has some simple editing. It is supposed to be a actionfun packed montage . I do not get high multi kills because i play lots of doubles. These double kills i got are pretty sick. You gotta admit i do some pretty sick stuff with that sniper. Enjoy and subscribe!!!(My style of montages is just pretty much gameplay with music. Not that fancy crap they do.)
Heres my 1st montage,yeah yeah its some sucky editing but im working on a better should be out saturday night or sunday but for now here is the link to the 1st one.
Check out this site it has some more maps that you could add to your xport list Removed Check out this site to get the latest halodu03de racetracks =) Removed
Hey add this map its awsome when you play the film you get the mod in recent games heres a link.
Can anyone put these mods on their fileshare so zzmodzdudezz can add them to the list it would be awsome. Heres the link to em.