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Everything posted by Magicman710

  1. ok, I found a gametype whitepaper, are the enums listed there for the various options all that are possible or only those that are known? For example there is no special enum in the whitepaper for a player speed modifier that is higher than possible without modifications. What would happen if i put in a number not in the white paper? Thanks for the help so far By the way the white paper i have doesn't say anything about armor codes is that possible in a gametype (that is changing what armor people are wearing)?
  2. Because the app I have doesn't have options to change some of the things i want to change, like player speed. Maybe that's not possible but i was just wondering if there was any tutorial on how to hex edit a gametype for things like player speed and the like.
  3. Is there a special tag list for gametypes or something along those lines? Is there a certain map I should open up in johnson to get the right idents for things or is it not done like that? And is there a special rehasher and resigner for gametypes or are all CON's made alike? Again any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Is there any special way to edit game type without the use of a premade program? Sorry if this has been answered else where or is just downright noobish. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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