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Everything posted by halolordkiller3

  1. Works beautifully. Thanks Xerax and everyone else.
  2. Hm, my friend just said he got it by doing left stick, right stick, lb, rb, Lt
  3. I can't get this to work lol.
  4. Is this working for anyone? I can't get to the menu at all.
  5. come one come all. here we go again! day 2 another odst modded save for campaign! yes doob e snack is telling me to test this and release it as well. it works the same a the previous one just drag and drop and ur good! MOD Drivable Phantom(Broken)-u drive a Phantom that was destroyed still works ppl... VIDEO How to play Open ur MU and drag the entire folder to content Folder and ur done. NO RESIGNING REQUIRED http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd170/halolordkiller3/Untitled-11.png NOW JUST DRAG AND DROP INTO CONTENT FOLDER http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd170/halolordkiller3/Untitled1.png Download Link 1 Link 2 Credit: Doob E Snack-Maker of the mod halolordkiller3-tester DO NOT RIP. PLZ ASK B4 HAND thank you
  6. Well this day couldnt get any better! made slime for halloween, sacred the **** out of my brother my gf is coming home next, MODERN WARAFRE TO GOT LEAKED XD and the best part for you halo 3 and odst modders. we now have a modded campaign save for retials! My good friend "Doobe E Snack" was nice enough to release this campaign save for odst that will work on any console! yes this isnt a joke. now you guys have to fight over modern warfare to and hopefully more of these saves to come along lol. mods play as grunt drive ghost with grunt here is the video So all of you enjoy! just simply drag and drop the folder into ur MU and ur set! DOWNLOAD Link 1 Link 2 Credit: Doob E Snack-Maker of the mod halolordkiller3-tester DO NOT RIP. PLZ ASK B4 HAND thank you
  7. hahahhah 2 bad no 1 can now lol
  8. good job i love how its called unreleased map pack but yet its released lollollollollollollollollol
  9. nice job but can u say copy me?... lol
  10. i downloaded this an as soon as i run it fails.
  11. i love how my gamechanger has been deleted....
  12. some ppl like 2 do different things. 2 some its quicker idk just another way.
  13. hey i made that app. it was just something simple ok. not everything in the world has 2 be perfect like you think it is. besides that was one of my first programs. Also thank you unknown v2 for the offsets i appreciate it. and i have 2 agree with him 2. what makes you think that hurts him. unknowns programs r actually pretty good!
  14. i was talking with Anthony a while ago like few months ago. he gave me a pic of himself. idk if its real but he said it was. hes 17 btw here is pic so i guess u can add it dont ask me y he gave me that one i have no idea http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd170/halolordkiller3/anthony/IMG_0333.jpg
  15. ok i almost forgot 2 post this on this site as well well here is my Game Changer Alright here is ForgeEdit:GameChange. We all know when unknown v2 came out with a way 2 make it so u can play forge in a custom game and he told u how by using his code unknown v2 Well i thought that i should make an app that u can just open ur game type select the game type u want 2 turn it into, but u can have the use of forge in any game! pics http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd170/halolordkiller3/Gametype%20changer/gamechange.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd170/halolordkiller3/Gametype%20changer/done.jpg Download FE:GameChange Thanks 2 Superaison for helping me out on a ton of codding for this. Also unknown v2 for the offsets. after all this is my second official program and i think this will help many ppl. Well Enjoy! Plz no Flamming thx.
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