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About HAWKzer0

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  1. uhhh I hate messing around with fallout 3 360 mod`s they don`t even work halve the time. I manage to get them to load but custom textures almost never really load, they have to be low quality and really small file size to load up so basically only guns and small ones. The problem being debated is the format they are saved as on the 360. xbox 360 ddx compared to whereas the computer version they are dds, tons of people have been trying to find out how the ddx format works at first it was thought to only be dds renamed to ddx but that didn't work! Anyways what Im trying to say here is maybe someone smart on the forums may be able to find out how the ddx format works! I`ll go ahead and try ur mod later today, it should work if u included all the files and edited the .ini correctly!
  2. Hello I have a WD My passport 750gb and I have been trying to format it into fat32 but no luck so far! I tried this command, format F: /FS:FAT32 but just when its about to finish I get a mini error saying the volume label is too big for fat32! does anyone know how I can format this HD to fat32 it`s default format option is ntfs.
  3. This looks great I been looking for the halo wars dlc!
  4. Wow my first post gets turned into a flaming page. Anyways both of you seriously need to redo your math, some things you both say are true. All 360`s react differently my past one turn`s on completely without the fans and only the heat-sinks mounted and it heats up for 30 minutes then the safeguard shuts it down. By the way the air-vent is pretty much useless unless the console is covered, now a 360 without the heat-sinks doesn't power on the gpu/cpu therefore it doesn't overheat them it just doesn't turn them on. Im too tired to explain some more I just got home and checked this out and thought I try to break this up. Whatever some people just aren`t mature enough to handle an open thred. Anyways I guess people just aren`t going to help out, If a MOD gets the chance please lock this topic it wont go anywhere.
  5. Ok I just checked the bottom of the board and it seems like nothing is touching the cage. I also found out that when I position it on the right spot it usually has the power connection side of the board lifted a bit thus allowing it to fake rrod. If you have any specific spot I should look out for let me know. I also found out that #0001 or E01 could be a blown transistor, or cold joint with the HANA chip, I could be wrong. Anyways the manufacture date is 2006-06-06.
  6. Ok so I completely removed the screws, from the gpu/cpu and detached them from the motherboard and yet the same thing happens. I started messing around with the position of the motherboard while on top of the metal cage. When I positioned it on a spot it liked, it rroded again. This gave me a chance to check out the secondary error code #0001 also known as E01 I think. I moved it a bit and it took me back to the beginning where the power brick just turns red and doesn't power it on. Afterwards I decided to to just put the gpu/cpu back in and screw it back together. it wouldn't power on until I positioned it on a spot it was happy with. So gpu/cpu or no gpu/cpu it doesn't matter it will not rrod until it is in a spot it likes. Just so you know it is not really rroding because if it was the cpu/gpu would get hot and the fan would work, it doesn't turn on while it is rroding, but when the brick turns red and doesn't turn on the console it turns the fan on for a sec and then shut everything down. Ok so like I said before secondary error code is #0001 and when it is in rrod the power block turns red for a sec then turns orange while it still rrod`s. One last thing it will not rrod inside the cage no matter what I try it has to be on top of the cage while the cage is flipped upside down, it also doesn't work on any other surface other than the cage in that position.
  7. Great background it looks simple, nice, and clean!
  8. Hello everyone I have a broken rrod 360, I attempted the X-clamp but once I got to the step where I have to overheat the console it would turn on flashing rrod again which is normal but only problem was that power brick would still be orange, while the the heat-sinks would not get hot whatsoever. I decided to turn it off and turn it back on and this time it wouldn't even show rrod, it just blinked green once and the power brick automatically turns red. Before you guys say try a different wall outlet I have, and I have also tried all 3 of my power bricks on this console! I really want to get this fixed since it is a pre NXE console any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance to anyone who stops by to help.
  9. This is useless no offense but don`t we got already got all if not most of these colors to choose from in halo 3. The only color that everyone goes nut`s about is super white, and by the way there is no black or zombie color there will never be the xex didn`t have the these as colors these are somehow bonded with custom games go figure but thats how it was made. For all of you that don`t know what these are for these are to change your armor color in h3, by hex editing your profile I will not say how it is done because it is useless and fairly simple to do.
  10. In my opinion windows is by far way better, you can virtually do just about anything while macs keep you prisoner in their own little limited abilities. Heres my words to you if your an all rule breaker then get a windows based pc my favorite is the XP but thats up to you to choose the operating system. Now if your a nice neat and organized high tech person go with a mac, macs or mostly for people with lots of projects and a easy and nice way of getting them done. Heres something to remember most windows based computers may be upgradable while macs lack the fact that you cant just go to the store and buy a new piece for it. so remember if buying a windows pc get one that may be upgraded for at least 3 years before saying goodbye to it . sorry for betraying all you windows lover`s but i have to go with a mac for my new soon to be computer since it will really come in handy for school. I am an all loving windows lover but for unknown reasons my high school recommends mac and is needed the most there so therefore I need help choosing now please help. What mac should I get macbook pro or macbook air its gonna be mainly used for video and art editing projects for school lots of mobility needed I understand the macbook air is lighter and more mobile but if there is not much difference then please choose the best option now another thing quick easy access is needed for example fast photos quick recording etc.
  11. Ok this is gonna be really off but what if its not a gamesave or anything for that matter. could it be a profile hack maybe iso modding just throwing some ideas out there remember the profile hexing for call of duty well maybe thats how he`s doing it or not?
  12. that may be true peaches but look what i found he claims no dev was used do as u wich with this though halo 3 odst modded videos fileshare By the has anyone checked the .gpd it has really neat stuff in there such as your current stats kills, vehicles destroyed, etc.
  13. go with the phat its the best i made it look like the old 360 dashboard halo 3 status if u need help modding it just give me a shoutout.
  14. Happy Birthday Justrec tell us what u got for ur b-day
  15. only new members give bad rep smokie is honest and im sure he didn't mean to harm anyones comp by the way what was the name of the program,well i would right a big ass story on how smokie really helps these forums allot but im too tired its 12:30 in the morning.
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