Yeah, doesn't seem to work, not even now =( god i've been trying sooo many times nooow..... Put the DLLs and default.xex back into the halo 3 folder from DVD, launched nicely, there is a patch not working here.
Isn't it just dragging the four DLLs onto xextools? I tried doing what you posted here, and transferred over but still didnt work. I guess the xex was already ****** anyways - copying halo 3 all over again now. Do I need to bring the whole game over to the computer to patch DLLs or can I just bring the DLLs over and use gamehack?
At last got to modding halo 3 - which I've wanted to do since I got the jtag 2-3 years ago. So I copied my Halo 3 disc into a "Halo 3" folder under "games" in hdd1, extracted the default.xex onto my computer to patch it with H3unlock. (I tested to see if it launched before extracting, all okay) Did the ultimate patch, "done", so I went on to transfer it back to the halo 3 folder on my HDD. Went on to launch the new patched default xex. "Game Error The game couldn't start. Try downloading the game again." Now I have tried clearing cache and I have tried patching xex with xexmenu, both after and before launch. And X360GameHack just tells me "out of memory" every time I try to fix something. Nothing works! I can do anything BUT launch the game after patching with H3unlock! PLEASE help, been working on this for too damn long!
Uhm I tried to change the settings to english / american but the same damn error shows up... Im guessing there is some way of changing the language settings that im not seeing, because changing the way I do, doesn't change anything.... i mean sure it changes the keyboard, but everything else stays norwegian... the error is still in norwegian :S But you know, canadian I think you're right about the language stuff. From what I can tell with the problem seems to be the datastrings or inputstrings or whatever they are called. BUT when I change the inputstrings on the language settings to american, like I said - the same error appears.
If you mean that "showinvisibles" should be "false" I have done that. It still shows an error message when clicking on any tag. It says something like "An untreated exception has appeared in the program. If you press continue, the program will ignore the mistake and try to continue. If you press exit (or quit or whatever) the program will exit immidiately" (Translated from my language) "Datastring had a void format" if that makes sence....
Hey, I have downloaded both the real time ascension and the original one, but I can't seem to get anyone of'em working. I mean I can get load maps to the beta with both, but when i open a map to use tag editor, I click on one tag and it just seems to crash... I get an error giving me the option to continue without the program really working or just exit the program. Anybody know what the problem can be? I followed USSR's tutorial btw.
Wow I think I came. SWEET JESUS if this is how the full game will be launched, I think I am going to lose my life. Is this yours by the way? it would be awesome to see a clip of someone go through all of these instead of pics and text.