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Everything posted by XeNoN.7

  1. Pathetic people need to leak information about ODST and ruin it for others who are patiently waiting and not cheating their way into getting the information in the first place. People who buy the game legitimately because they support Bungie shouldn't need to hide from their forums and etc they go to because there are some jackasses who leak information. How pathetic. If you really support Bungie, you'll still buy the game even if you pirated early, and you wouldn't leak details about the game.
  2. Perfect example of why this generation is garbage.. People apparently think moving their hand a couple of inches at most and clicking a button is too much.. I really hope you have carpal tunnel, otherwise I feel sorry for that wasted flesh wrapped around your head. Don't know about other people, but I'd rather take an extra second out of my life to actually look proper and professional.. as apposed to a 12-year old prepubescent child. In other news, real shame.. Halo 2 was good, and it really is ******** for all those others who still play it.. I mean it's real ********.. but I mean I guess it's for the best.. Not everyone on Xbox Live likes Halo, and it shouldn't be holding them all back.
  3. So why don't you open the damn thing and look..? All you need to look for is a SATA cable, and you're already aware of that.. so honestly, there isn't **** all we can do for you from here.. I mean, unless you want us to magically obtain your computer's model and check for you..
  4. Why are idiots copying me.. I want to punch these little 12 year olds in the throat.
  5. I hope you really aren't that dumb, and you are just joking.. lol.. Doesn't work that way.
  6. That picture looks a hell of a lot pleasing than what you have right here at the moment. Even the banner.. Everything. I say you keep that theme and etc, just change the banner, but don't make it what it is now, because that "thing" looks so dumb and childish, and unprofessional.
  7. First off. I was not wrong.. Someone just pulled some information out of their ass. A new testkit from Microsoft is 1000$ USD with all the accessories, but I never stated a price for development consoles. If I were to guess, I'd say $1500.. And yes.
  8. -I was Trigger_six because it sounded cool. -I was DeToX because I love drugs and its related and a cool name. And naming myself after Ecstasy, Cocaine, Weed, Shrooms, etc. all sounds stupid in the end. -I am Xenon.7 because it's the codename for the first Xbox 360 mobo, which all SDK and Recovery installations were named after. And Xenon looks cool aswell. -7 is my favourite number. yeah.. that's about it.
  9. You were not restricted from making programs. The notion was made that you should go look elsewhere, where you can get better, more extensive help. As apposed to here, where almost all the people here couldn't help you a fraction of what some out there could.. I don't think it should be made.
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