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About yellowyoiker

yellowyoiker's Achievements

Private Grade 2

Private Grade 2 (5/44)



  1. When he says forum, he means the website in general...... lol
  2. Knowing bungie they might have just done something like that, or it could possibly be the bungie chestplate
  3. Yes I know that the Vidmaster achevements will end up giving you recon, but my point is that they probally are not going to screw over all the people that have earned the armor, and I have heard rumors going around about bungie giving something to them in return. And also, the only anyone even wants recon in the first place is because very few people have it. I know it sounds like you have told yourself that you wouldn't even wear it even if you did get it but I bet some part of you wants it just because very few people have it.
  4. Hey everyone, How much would you pay for recon on an account? I have heard that when odst comes out that they are going to give everyone that currently has recon a different kind of armor, so just for the sake of the possibility of that Name your price you would pay for a recon account: Name your price you would par for a recon account that would end up getting a special armor after odst came out: Also, just a random question, but has anyone that ever knew ANYTHING about modding actually obtained a recon account and actually done research on it? (Not through a dev kit)
  5. Is this bungies way of scaring us? http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll236/gatoraderob/lolrofl.jpg http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll236/gatoraderob/lolrofl.jpg
  6. I was wondering if anyone here can point me in the direction of finding out how to burn 360 games? I have a dual layered dvd burner and I have verbatim dual layered dvds, I also have my flashed samsung dvd drive with iExtreme v1.6 but I have been looking for someone to show me a tut on how to burn games so that I can play them on my xbox. I have seen a few tuts out there but they just look outdated so if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be very helpful
  7. Its whatever your mind wants it to be....... mabye its a dog that had its legs amputated and put on a robot? mabye its a military machine that they are planning to stick an ak 47 on top off? mabye its just a really ****** up dog..... whatever you want to think it is, is fine. all you have to do is know that it is wanting to hurt you.
  8. If it doesnt scare you, you are not normal.
  9. Can anyone confirm this works besides the creator of it?
  10. If this works you can have a giant cookie
  11. just search for this gpad_buttonsConfig "buttons_default" and then mess up the words in the "" , but make sure you dont change the length of it. ex gpad_buttonsConfig "bmtno0s_dgfeust"
  12. Ok everyone, I made this post when I knew very little about cod4 modding, now I know a lot more and I even know how to .bind to other things then the back and start buttons. I have found that noclip, ufo , give all, give ammo, and god work. I currently have ufo bound to my back button, god bound to my start button, give all bound to my dpad up, and give ammo bound to my dpad down. Also to bind multiple commands to a button just add a ; between them like this, .bind BUTTON_START "god;give ammo" please note that the second command only works on your own host. Also I have already read most of the pc code lists and am now just wondering what commands you guys know that work.
  13. I just want commands, Im not giving a tut, or disclosing hardly any info -.-
  14. Well Cvars/ Dvars ..... you know what I mean.
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