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About dead1

  • Birthday January 1

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dead1's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. After getting pwned in feasta slayer, I got in a match and started to hear a girl start yelling. She started saying how "we need to get a job and stop playing these stupid video games so we can move out of our mommy's basements" and other things I couldn't understand untill I told her to go back to her pole and ended up getting her mother to take her off the xbox. While I was about to have a heart attack for laughing so hard, you could hear in the background "But mommy! There are lifeless people out there and I have to help them!". It was as funny as hell! Please don't flame me of being sexist, The comment was the only thing to came in mind when the 13 year old girl sneaked into her brothers room to tell random people to get a life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was in team slayer, and got teamed up with some five year old. We didn't care untill he said "I have recon armor, I just don't like to wear it!". I laughed for a second, and he started to say "I have proof just look at my file share!". I did, and found a picture of flaming recon.This was our talk. Me: why doesn't it have your name under it, and can a kid really work at bungie? Him: I won it! Me: but I thought flaming recon is only given to an employee! Him: My dad works at bungie. Me: Whats his gamertag? Him: *quits* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. yeah, hes been a big help in all we have been doing over at another site and thought I should get at least a few veiws from me.
  3. lol, before I edited the name it was 'My Friends Amazing Stick' Youtube video- Link Gamertag- Neanderthal Link to film- 2 for 1 If you like this video, do your part by commenting and rating! Sorry, I can't seem to find out how to make a Youtube video here so I put it on my site.
  4. *Gulp*
  5. don't hurt me
  6. Yes, it encourages spam
  7. I have seen much from bungie, and find they are crazy. here's a list of why. 1. The webmaster Wears a monkey suit with a cowboy hat 2. The ninjas talk about how their locked up to a seat all day 3. The artists are here every day but can't find time to post in four years 4. Their obsessed with the number seven 5. They find a way to get children's parents to buy an M rated game 6. They plan on ruling the world with a giant sling shot... You get what I mean, bungie is weird.
  8. Yeah
  9. This looks awesome, I'll try it out when my x box get shipped back in
  10. oh sorry m0nkey won't shoot...
  11. This morning I had to pay 8 0 0 points to change my name and now it's 2000! DON'T MAKE M0NKEY MAD!
  12. I was in big team battle, and my warthog flipped in front of the other team. I didn't wan't to have to fight the warthog after I died so I thrue a plasma grenade. It ended up flying into a mans face...linky
  13. My gerbil died a bit ago you want to see it
  14. dead1

    My halo avatars

    ok i'll fix them in a sec.
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