Sorry, I got another question. You know how in Halo 3 in Infection when you get killed by a plasma grenade it says: (insert name here) got stuck. Do you think that the game made have some sort of Hex-Value for these phrases?
Me and my friend had an idea. If you can mod a screenshot just be replacing the hex of the pic, rehash and resign it, couldn't you find the hex of the film clip and swap each frame for a real live clip.
Ok, dude, I like helping people and all but seriously stop raping the forum with 18000 topics. If you need help PM someone, or look at the tutorials. To answer your question, 1: what programs do you have? 2: Did you Virusscan them?
Dude, that thing isnt useful for modding.. Get RX-Lithium V6. it's in the Halo 3 Modding Programs sections, best thing for modding.. Gots everything you need.. Make sure you're running .NET Framework 2.0
Don't listen to him.. I would only use bloc, crea, bipd, vehi, and scen. Those are BLOCK (objects), CREATURE (creatures, like birds, etc), BIPED (characters like MC and elites), VECHICLE (vechicles like mongooses, and ghosts) and SCENERY (forgable objects).. Hope this helped.
I have been asked numerous times on: "How do u git the equipt stay?" or "How do you get the equipment to become active" Here it is: Go to the object that you want modded (Active Camo for Trip Mine active) The objects are in eqip tag. Trip Mine- objects/equipment/tripmine/tripmine. etc, for others.. Dont have the "equipment/tripmine/tripmine_equipment otherwise you will have a interactive equipment.. - UR WELCOME