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Everything posted by Supermodder911

  1. Thanks for that.
  2. Valhalla is the key to the locked door standing between you and an immense control of your Xbox 360 games. It is not simply a program, but a utility that provides you the ability to modify a number of Xbox 360 titles and many other miscellaneous functions that allow you to manipulate the multitude of content files on your Xbox. With Valhalla, you have the ability to craft and design Xbox 360 STFS packages from the ground up right on your personal computer. The title modification library in Valhalla is expanding with many of the hottest titles of the year. To become a final part of Valhalla, the editors are thoroughly tested but ultimately it is up to the users to provide feedback in order to increase the efficiency of the title editors to produce the most powerful modifications. Valhalla provides a seamless process of editing many files produced by the Xbox 360, increasing productivity beyond human ability. Many tests were performed, and we can confirm that using Valhalla will reduce the time you have to spend editing your favorite title. Valhalla is beautiful and is near perfection in its beauty. Why spend hours frustrated, starting at a white, dull screen full of many unknown values when you could be editing your game in Valhalla in a matter of minutes? Images: http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/1.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/2.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/3.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/4.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/5.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/6.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/7.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/8.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/9.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/10.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/11.png http://www.xbox360-content.com/Supermodder911/Images/Valhalla/12.png The price for the tool is $50 and is subject to change whether it'd be an increase or decrease. If you are interested please click on the link below and click the Purchase button on the right hand side of the screen. Project Valhalla Blog Thanks, Supermodder911
  3. It's not patched.... The only reason people are reporting it as "patched" is because MY code having a bug which is incapable of loading the new XDBF header sizes... Suprisingly EVERY other public tool broke as well... Maybe the developers should stop ripping other people's code... Anyway, I fixed the bug on my side. It's only a matter of time before the update for the Profile Tool is released along with some other cool stuff people with the tool would like.
  4. lol. Taco Bell and McDonald's. Explains a lot.
  5. It's possible to write it into a program.
  6. I'm not anyone besides Supermodder911.
  7. I suggest people think before making a pointless comment about someone.
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