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Everything posted by superaison2

  1. Program gabe and I are working on(i've coded 99% of it, he's mostly research and yelling at my horrible coding xD <3) anyway. Up to you to guess what it does. We plan on releasing. Maybe if you guess right, you'll get a reward. No where else to put thread. bai.
  2. Exactly why programming should be stuck with the pro's. Not source copy pasters.
  3. can everyone get in the phail bukkit?
  4. k. updated it, just rick click anywhere and select update =]
  5. only if shittymodder actually coded it himself, maybe... Considering he didn't, no. Not even on the list.
  6. Vanity blows. unknown, gtfo. This is about on par with mine If you really coded this and such yourself, not bad.
  7. (too much time on hands lmfao) Erm. Well Bigger Rehash, up to 112 megabytes. Updater(Right click pl0x) K. Plixtarz: See..Nothing Different. http://haloelites.org/resignerfinaallll.png Mass: http://haloelites.org/massfinalll.png (lol had a few files that weren't con it was *****ing about in that folder lmfao, be care@#@$@full, make sure its only con files in the folder ) And what happens when you right clix? http://haloelites.org/rightclix.png See. Nothing special =] Enjoy. Any questions/comments feel free to post. Once agian, written by Skatezero and I, Superaison. kthxbai ResignerUpdates.rar =]
  8. NOT Hard to do. At ALL. Stop trying to feel leet. I'll tell people how to do it if you want me to. Seriously. Stop hiding s***, If you want mods to progress. Then say how to do it.
  9. No, Sadly. It's stored on the COD servers =
  10. Also, I don't want any discussion of this, sorry. It's protected in a way it can't be recompiled to viewed. There is no real source to this released.
  11. I do not aprove of this, Mods. Please delete, and yes, it is obfuscated. I do not approve of decompiliation, if you REALLY wanted the source, you could just ask, or ask me how its done and I could walk you through it, however, that may be out of the question due to idiots like you.
  12. Dont forget, exponent, modulus, p, q, dp, dq, inverseq, and d
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