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SFB Deffect

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Everything posted by SFB Deffect

  1. I bet half the people commenting negatively will use this... lol
  2. cool, hope this continues.
  3. has not set their status
  4. has not set their status
  5. has not set their status
  6. has not set their status
  7. has not set their status
  8. has not set their status
  9. has not set their status
  10. This is nice, but their are other tools with more servers...
  11. What are you working with... VB.net, VB, C#, etc...?
  12. I find it sad that most of you don't know each other in real life yet you say you respect one another. Respecting someone for playing a video game or modding it is completely stupid.
  13. in response to the 1st and 3rd post. Bungie no longer waste their time banning non vulger/***ual screenshots. Nor will they ever ban a dev kit for a halo screenshot. edit: it appears the work "s e x" has been replaced with stars. This seems pretty overboard seeing as it is rarily used as an offensive term.
  14. this is the butterfly, it was found on halo to then refound on halo 3 a few days after the release of the beta
  15. i see you flaming everyones mods, I doubt you could make anything better.
  16. He never said anything about .map modding. The other people in this topic seem to have started saying that he has so they have something to b**** about. How about instead of flaming, and thinking its hurting him just press the back button. If you think your hurting him, your not. If anything your just proving that he can effect your emotions and make you waste your time.
  17. SFB Deffect

    Far Cry 2

    There are alot of maps, if you would like to see some feel free to visit "fcmaps.net".
  18. SFB Deffect

    Far Cry 2

    "Whats there to mod?", There are alot of items in the game that you cant select, and havent been added to your editor. Your campeign file contains all info about your char including speed, gun, health, dmg, etc... You could alter that. Each map contains the physics of the game play to cause less server lag. You could edit the speed of veihicles, host(maybe others). The item limit it in the map, add many more items. You could edit the time till death when going out of bounds (usefull for puzzles and other maps. With all this said, i think the most important thing the map file contains is each coordinate to each item. With the write knowledge you could create an editor on you pc, making map editing easier than ever before. Now that they are using the same physics engine as crysis you could change the gravity/density of objects making more things possible, like working elevators, and other things you could think of. I am simply listing the possibilities, this is not a list of mods that have already been done, its up to you to find out the variables.
  19. this hardly seems like something Anthony would ask someone to do. He has always been the type to do things his self. Any ways, these prices are very high and probably to high for anyone to want to buy. I think it would be unnecessary to buy this seeing as some people do know how to do this already and those who don't can learn or get a friend to do it for free. Quick kill is a modder, you may not know him but he hung around with an idiot know as nate dogg for a while. Quick is a pretty cool guy but this post is in bad taste.
  20. I understand why people can be a little hesitant in trusting shot, but it is hard for him to change when you guys are being dicks everytime he makes a post. By insulting him you make yourself seem immature which in this case is ridiculous. Some of you need to learn that grudges never get you any where, you'll just never know if you could have had a good friend. I havent checked this out yet, but your still of my freinds list if you could invite me some time, i would like to check it out along with a few other things i've missed of yours. (Korupt Data - I have plenty of xbox live accounts from when i stole them, i would be more than happy to give you one if you would like. Pm me if you would like me to look for you one.)
  21. lol, my freind uses this. They have fairly sleek looks but could never compete with firefox.
  22. in my oppinion, runescape is the way a super nerd gets away from his/her life. Since a super nerd doesnt have a life, no one should be playing this game at all. just an opinion, but the game does average an age 6-13 play rate higher than any other flash or console game.
  23. This is fairly impressive for a 1st. You took the time to make a finalized version.
  24. no offense but not very impressive. Don't let time get into the way. Set patience aside and get done when it is perfect not when your bored.
  25. this is a remarkable app. good job
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