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Everything posted by Shock120

  1. I didn't bother checking this site, sorry. xDDDDD
  2. Halo 2 Vista :: Online Co-op Campaign mod - Armory
  3. Anyone that can perform memory dump files from Halo 2 Xbox... I want memory dumps from Halo 2 Xbox in the following scenarios. 2 Players in Co-operative mode on Outskirts. 1 Player in single player mode on Outskirts. Gimme da stuff noaw! plz?
  4. Blu Trainer has alot of crap coding, which those with source code can't be bothered with xD
  5. I used Blu Trainer. And I has 5970 , so it's ok. =)
  6. Thank you guys, and your positive feedback xD
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT8D7vPRQQ0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhSPs_lxVJA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCthKmGcqHE You guys like?
  8. http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/HR4PC/ If you have the patience, please register and sign the petition. Thanks =)
  9. did you look at the weap?
  10. Go use Cheat engine, it works for both multiplayer and campaignGravemind can only mod campaign maps, but this is an easier method. The reason why multiplayer maps cannot be modded, is because the tags are all external to the map itself, they are only referenced where to retrieve them (shared.map) and load them via memory, and there are encrypto-checks on MP and shared.map, and the person who figured out "Bypass map checksum" for H2V doesn't care. The game is dead, because it was either too complicated, or just ultimate fail.
  11. yeah, some ass is taking rework3d.com down too. oH nO uR ReDBaR, is already the one taking rework3d.com down through DDOS.
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