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About TheyCallMeTyLer

TheyCallMeTyLer's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. I did? I don't recall that.
  2. How is this MJ? Stupid.
  3. MY mods aren't random they have a purpose not like some parts of this map. Their are some parts of this map that have random things that are not necessary. Its criticism but you take it things so seriously and start ripping on me you really need to take a chill pill god dam.
  4. Thanks and more maps to come, would have more done but I keep putting them aside and work on other ones err.
  5. Excuse me? This topic is pointless and I hope you realize that most people don't really care.
  6. Stupid post I didnt even understand what you said, Topic Phail.
  7. eh kinda random, their are certain mods that you added that really do not have a purpose.
  8. Their is no spawn killing and the little kids are your friends that play this with you not me.
  9. Shotspartin you can't code, you fail at life. Thats not even your resigner and we dont need your .map their is one on xboxsoftmods.
  10. i knowz rightzerz
  11. To bad he does not have one. too bad ive got a freaking picture of it and ive seen it lol, think before you speak Tyler, oh and you banned me off ibotmodz cause i called you a *, how sad can you get omg I laugh at your stupidity kid. Snypz doesn't have a .map resigner LOL. Anybody can just make some shitty gui and take a pictures of it and say they made a .map resigner. Its just you dumb little kids that actually believe it. Its fake. Kids will believe anything these days guys.
  12. seems random but w/e
  13. Concert time and Last Reckoning or Knock out err
  14. how is johnson dumb? This seems useless since you can have johnson
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