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About bladedog26

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Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Blade 1317 Just incase a VIP doesn't. ^^
  2. Oh wow, thanks man! Peaches, once again, you stun me. x3
  3. Wow, how long did it take you to make this? Will try a mod again. :3
  4. Uhh looks nice, but why a video? Really? If they need help setting up a simple AIO, which makes it easy for the already, well then their either high, or will not learn how to mod for a good year.
  5. Nice man, I will use this. I think you should add a screen shot though of halo 3 side. Will try this out later.
  6. LMAO Yeah, HTML makes it a lot easier. <3
  7. Yeah, thanks guys. Glad you all like it, now for everyone that needs a can of air, it's pretty easy to find. Just go to your local big store (Lmao) and ask where you can find compressed air, or can of air. ( (For stupid ones.)DO NOT USE IN YOUR MOUTH!) It's normally 6-4$ in usa money, but it's worth it. If the store doesn't have it, ask where you might find one.
  8. Some ways it's better, some ways it's worse.
  9. Ahaha, thanks. Glad you liked it.
  10. Hey, this is a tutorial on how to make it run faster, by cleaning the hardware. Needed: Can of air Screw driver Ok, open up your computer with the screwdriver (Not your monitor) and then, very carefully, take the can of air, and blow it around where the dust is. Get it all to one spot, then just take all that dust, and bring it out. There, now turn your computer on (You'll notice it's more quite.), and it's running faster. Hope this helps.
  11. thanks man, your pimpin on this s***!
  12. I'm sorry, this just looks to photoshoped... :/ Lol, if not then thats hilarious, and nice find.
  13. Hey, why was this moved to campaign, and glitches, when this is infact forging?
  14. Lol, I'm sorry, but just get your tags off of john, and if your smart, you should also try slipstreams tag program. It's stickied.
  15. Hey, nice post. Would you mind if I add these to my program? I'll just make it go to the links. Anyway, could you make one for epithaph? Cause I need the shield doors for it. Keep it up! ^^
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