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About XxLaGgInGkNiGhTxX

XxLaGgInGkNiGhTxX's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. actually no1 proved it was fake its just everyones opinion
  2. post in corect format and plz releease this mod
  3. not only noobs use vb...many expierenced people do to because they like the setup...you can do anything with vb
  4. from looks of his screenshots it looks like he used vb
  5. nice map and nice find with the cloaking...i cant wait to play it when i get on live
  6. you use sandbox...you jus have to change to a .map so you can do it
  7. my favorite is deff. guardian with the halo ring
  8. nice post ...i have no clue where you got all the description but good job
  9. this mod is leaked already why would people wanna trade for something that is already out...i got it off of a friend already
  10. ahaha this mod makes me laugh because of how you made it stupid for a reason...nice job
  11. he cant post a bungie link because the map aint resigned yett
  12. pics look nice ill give it a try...looks cool with all the sniper towers
  13. you need to search xbox dev kit next time sean
  14. i made it so far just cant finish...ill keep trying
  15. pictures okay but its not the best...ive seen better recon before
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