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About Yokomoko

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  1. hey can i get some maps add me on ur xhox 360 my gamertag is: killerdrummer11
  2. I heard theres a way to make a screenshot do this so whoever you send it to freezes there xbox when they open it. Is this possible?
  3. I know this is probably a stupid question but does modding ruin your 360? I got done trying to mod a map and I put it on my HDD. When I tried to start halo it said disk is unreadable. I cleaned it off even tho it was dustless and it worked. I dont want to risk losing my 360 so if xport and modding will ruin it PLEASE let me know so I can return my xport. Thanks
  4. Yokomoko


    xchange 360 is a dumb software(at least for me). I used xtreme xplorer 360 which is another software that lets you open your HDD or mem card. Also does anyone know how to get xport to support the 544mb or what ever the biggest mem card is. It says it only supports 64mb. I am tired of pulling out my HDD every time.
  5. Yokomoko


    I just bought Xport 360. I guess it is supposed to be like xsata but it doesnt go on the xbox and also gets content from your mem. unit. When you are making a modded map is the size under 116kb? When I try to rehash my mod it says files over 116kb are not supported. Mine is 101mb but it is also a normal sandtrap map. I just edited what was there.
  6. Yokomoko


    Sweet dude ill add you as a friend incase I need help. Also, I was reading about that cable on xbox.com and it said it may damage your PC. I don't have my computer for a while and I am using my parents so I CAN'T destroy it. So is that just a thing so they don't get in trouble if it does break? Also do you know if you can put the files back on your xbox with the cable? The website says that it is a one time transfer. Thanks
  7. Yokomoko


    Wow man thanks for the help!
  8. Yokomoko


    Is there a place online that gives out a serial number that I could use? And how do I get the cable? Do they mail it to me? Also, thanks for helping me so far
  9. Yokomoko


    Can Someone help me. I am trying to find the cheapest way to mod. I found Xchange360 that will let me connect my mem card to my computer. Will this let me take my set-up-to-mod map off the card and put it on my computer and then be able to put it back on my mem card once I mod and resign it? Or does it just let you back up stuff and restore the same stuff? If someone could help me I would GREATLY appreciate it. (Sorry if this is formatted wrong. I am new at posting on IBotModz.)Thanks
  10. I will test for you.
  11. Dude thanks these are sooo cool!:bow:
  12. Thanks for this I hate always deleting my maps I like.
  13. Thanks for the help u rock
  14. why dont you have a direct link that site is messed up for me
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