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Xx Fiend xX

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Everything posted by Xx Fiend xX

  1. Pretty good montage for only 5 games.. had some pretty good clips in it, and the slow-mo was good too
  2. Hey whats up man, if u were from my site.. nothing happened to it just turned the forums off becuase I was busy with school and football... also, I was more active on another site for then my own lol (mainly becuase I didnt have any active members) so anyways, yea... forgot alot about the modding scene, decided to play the orig xbox a bit and look what I did EDIT: after good nite's sleep, I remembered I can restore MS backup on the SID deluxe screen, so I went ahead and did that and re-installed the modded dash... so im back to normal, thx for tryin to help though. and its always nice to run into someone from my old site, been happening alot lately lol.. but yea ill send u a f/r on xbl next time im on. we can play gears
  3. Well ive already had a modded dash a long time, no problems.. but tonite I went on H2 just to do some mods.. and I changed my name on 360, and so I went to sign into my account on orig xbox and it was like, cant sign in.. and took me to account management in the ms dash, and starting updating something.. I figured it would be a problem so I shut off my console.. If I turn it on by the disc tray and leave it on (so it would go to ms dash) it gets error 21 If I turn my console on normally, its fine, goes to modded dash If I put a game in, its fine.. goes to the game So I was wondering, what should I do to fix this..since I think i prob messed up my ms dash.. FTP a new one over it? and if so, can someone link me to an MS dash please?
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