dang i tried this only host is invincible and you cant see anyone else's invincibility go off unless your playing local but still a really sweet find its fun to make a game and own everyone with invincibility as host as cheap as that is lol
i'm just offering, if your not trading then don't post. kthxbai. anyways, yeah i'd like to resign my forge varients instead of just waiting around for people to resign for me,since i'll be making alot of maps very soon...i used to be a halo 2 modder and im currently a graphics/website designer, i used to be crazy active on this site called halo2mmmods with anthony but this fag sold the site, so i kinda stopped modding after that, but i just joined the site and want to get back into modding, and instead of uploading my crap it'd be alot easier if i just had a resigner, and since i have a 1 month and microsoft points im never gonna use,i decided maybe someone will trade...so yeah.
I am willing to trade anyone that has a CON resigner for those. I will not leak it, and if you'd like to trade add me on MSN: Chaosconfusion@hotmail.com
http://www.consoleshop.com/product.php? ... base&bid=3 happyface and yes your right about the transfer part,you just have to get someone to resign for you.