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About jrjonanddad1

  • Birthday 08/10/1993

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  1. i think this is infected......
  2. well i found a program that extracts and injects ur vinyls on ur stuff for Forza 1..... i just was wondering if there was a way to do that on Forza 3
  3. i was looking on the online store stuff, and i saw soo many images that looked like someone modded, like they made the image in photoshop, then somehow placed it in the game... i was wondering if anyone knew how i can do this... i have a lot of pics on my computer i made with photoshop i would love to have on the game... thanks, jrjonanddad1
  4. Honestly i think this program has almost the same GUI as Horizon, just some minor differences, like Horizon i don't believe has that Tools part on the right, or even anywhere on it, it has the output at the bottom, same stuff at the top/top left, same image on the top left just blue instead of the other color.... and that is all i can think of, but thats just the GUI, its probably totaly different, but i am only saying its GUI are basically twins,
  5. I was wanting to make a app that when you load the file into it, and you hit a button it atuomatically looks and changes the Value for the EP on a prototype save. Anyone know how i can make that happen? Mainly the reason i want to do this is because i am still learning and want to try something like this xD Thanks for the help ppl Jrjonanddad1
  6. okay so that will work but is that the easiest way or just the only way i thought there was another but i might be wrong also thanks for the help anyway......
  7. hey i am programming in Visual studio visual basic express edition thing (srry 4 jumbled up title i am not on my pc i am on my mothers lol) can i change the little X and minimize and maximize buttons like uh skin them to be anything else cuz i was making a pretty cool program (personal use only lol) and i wanted it to look kinda cool so it doesnt look all crappy and stuff with the windows look i wanted it to be a custom top and buttons and everything at the top... so what i am trying to say is there anyway i can skin that to be something else ?
  8. can someone link me to a proper tut or give me an app that will help me remove death barriers i need a tut on removing death barriers with entity on Dune(Relic) plz help. Thanks jrjonanddad1
  9. okay thats good now i have the paint kind and types and stuff written down what do i use to unscrew the wierd screws on the back in order to take it apart so i dont messup the insides and stuff...
  10. hey i was looking around and i couldnt find a good tut on how to take apart my 360 controller and paint it i was wondering what kind of paint do i use that wont smudge while i use the controller and what tools do i use to take it apart i know not a phillip head screwdriver cuz that doesnt have that little indent that the screws on the controller has so anyone know if so plz point me to a proper tut with pics perferably and if its a vid thats even better.. thanks, jrjonanddad1
  11. ok can i get rid of it??? its annoying every time i use UMP V 5 it shuts down cuz my anti spyware anti virus crap says not to and it says its a virus or something i cant remember last time i tried to open it was about 3 days ago... well thanks
  12. wow from downloading this from this site ( not blaming the site ok) i got from that UMP v5 i have gotten in it (i think i havent rechecked in a few hours ) three or four track-ware, and worms and also a few viruses just from this can someone do a check on it or something please? i don't want anyone else to get these...
  13. yeah i was thinking on switching out my disk drive (the messed up part that wont read disks) with a new one and flashing that one. think that might work?
  14. My xbox 360 will not read any of my games and they are new it just goes to a white screen and it says and i quote " you have to put this in a xbox 360 to play." and IT IS IN A F***in 360 my 2nd 360 in fact the first one had the same problem microsoft just said not our fault when they shouldnt be selling $h**y stuff in the first place. what i came here for is to see if anyone has a solution to this problem the problem of none of my games working on my 360 and i cannot afford to buy a new one. so please someone tell me how to fix this F***ing peice of SH** console or i am switching back to sony or buying a wii. i tried e mailing microsoft xbox support, sent it in they sent it back saying nothings wrong with it. i need help so anyone just help me i am soo mad right now i cant play my farcry 2 or fable 2 or any of my new games i bought 2day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. well that just sucks if anyone knows of a program that will help me mod it(like dothalo and stuff did 4 halo 1 and 2) that would help a lot of us or very few i dont know im just rambling on about this just seeing if there is one or not thanks 4 the help.
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