I might make a website but there's a problem... The hosting costs. I am on a tight budget of £20 per month...(Blame Xbox Live...I cant live without it) So if you know any good hosters let me know. Thank you
Console(s): PC Favorite Games: Clannad,Kanon,RapeLay, 3D Custom Girl, Air, Bible Black and Box ~Hako~ Do you mod it?: Mod RapeLay, Box ~Hako~ and 3D Custom Girl Do you play online or offline?: I play offline ( kinda obvious)
Well here is my latest work... Yes I know...Why the swimsuit? Because I have a fetish for it..That enough? http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/5108/wipk.png
Bungie won't really give a shit about this really...Bungie have left it as it is because theres no problem with it, after we dont own the game but the license to play it so we can't make demands on them them.
Damn, thats a lot of contradictions... So if I was to jump off a building...That controls my future, but my future looks like a splatted body...It's a lie!! But yea..Try not to piss people off.