Each game has it's own way of storing permutations and gamesaves. One universal program won't cut it. Such as in halo 3, it's stored all in the Profile file, while in CoD4 most of the stuff is stored on the servers for the 360 version.
That's why people want to get access to 360gamesaves. They offer a resigner. What they do is they allow anyone to resign saves for their own IDs. Remember that the resigner will only change IDs and not resign modified content.
For those of you who can't get things like that, just use the Twilight Princess hack. There are several tutorials around google, and you can look around warez-bb.com for the same hack, but allows you to get free Virtual Console games loaded onto your wii.
No offense, but anyone who says it doesn't worth with the elite is just plain stupid. It's not the Xsata that's the problem, it's Xplorer. The 120gb hard drives require a different version of Xplorer, one that was made for 120gb hard drives. Other than that, it should work with the elite.