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Everything posted by x360c

  1. x360c

    Flash Mod DB

    I am thinking about creating a mod db that runs off of Adobe Flash. If I made one, who would be interested in posting their mods in it?
  2. x360c

    Con Resigner

    Not firefox compatible, what version are you using?
  3. x360c

    Con Resigner

    Still looking for a con resigner. HyperStorm seemed to have ditched me. I will explain more in detail my plans if you IM me at xbox360caster@hotmail.com. PS: I demoted and banned DeathGrip for scamming me.
  4. x360c

    Con Resigner

    We are trying to integrate it into my server and user system. At least I think so, he hasn't responded since.
  5. x360c

    Con Resigner

    I am still taking offers.
  6. x360c

    Con Resigner

    I will be willing to trade anything (besides $) to obtain a con resigner. Why do I need a con resigner? I created a site called gameDeviants. We were really big in COD3, but since its death, our site members per month has crashed. Our site uses top of the line technology, AJAX & Flash, as seen here: sorry its still advertising We need popularity to get the site going. I will offer modship, partnership, and even adminship to anyone who can give me a con resigner. We will keep it from leaking to the public. All we need is to create maps and gain public attention. When we get hits, we get ad money. If you give us a working resigner, we will give you part of the ad revenue and any other kind of money. The more popularity we get, the more money you get. You can contact me here: xbox360caster@hotmail.com (IM or Email) or here: btgirton@gmail.com or here: x360c (PM on gameDeviants) I will look for to meeting anyone wishing to take on this proposal.
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