OMGGG THANKYOU it helped me i kept looking for windows blinds and im like WTF IS IT but then stardowck was there and i was like OMFG xD so how do you put all the themes at once casue it goes really slow if you go by 1 -.- by the way THANKZZZ
like halo trial mods and such and such it would be great i would be active on that fourm alot xD i make lots of modz sometimes even get thele laked xD lol so ya please do it
When really they dont Laugh Out LOud < like taht i mean seoruisly wahts the point why cant you jsut say gigglez or something? if this is spam please tell me sorri if it is sorry for my grammer im typing to fast and to lazy to fix it xD
The real name is actually Gal,Guy,and VIllan ITs hilarous a must watch [youtube:2y1jllrz]Gx8vkvOy1mA[/youtube:2y1jllrz] Gal,Guy,And Villan Episode 2 THis is SEORUISLY FUNNY [youtube:2y1jllrz]0qMM3A4d5so[/youtube:2y1jllrz]
if you know how to mod halo 2 on the origanal xbox this should be easy for you do you know how to mod halo 2 on the origanal xbox because with the 360 its the same except you dont even haft to mod your xbox reply saying if you know to mod halo 2 on a origanal xbox. nope i dont lol