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Everything posted by Jelo

  1. http://tinypic.com/v...?pic=k1s0b6&s=3 Thats a avatar this guy made me and http://tinypic.com/v...?pic=4rx4iq&s=3 thats the one ilostmodz i think? made me and it just doesnt go together... Mind if one of you can change the font..? so they both look ub3r 1337? The other guy told me to post here.. lol
  2. oh sorry... lol
  3. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=k1s0b6&s=3 Thats a avatar this guy made me and http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4rx4iq&s=3 thats the one ilostmodz i think? made me and it just doesnt go together... Mind if one of you can change the font..? so they both look ub3r 1337? What was ilostmodz was great, but it just doesnt fit so well in a small picture >_>
  4. Thanks to the guy that took it seourisley
  5. so no one is going to do it?
  6. http://i30.tinypic.com/9lbh4g.png ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Like that but change the colors and my name is soul collector so yeah Have that on their
  7. Please? My name is Soul Collecter And i dont want to make a new account since this one is about a couple years old >_> Please and thank you and make it look COOL and make it plain with no guy or anything just colors like this make it like this http://i30.tinypic.com/9lbh4g.png
  8. Some sound intresting..... Might download atleast 1 ;o anyways cool Mod pack!
  9. Jelo

    Couple of First GFX.

    ugh they are all mine except the last one i added taht one after i posted and i didnt add taht it wasnt mine but eprsnolly they are mine if oyu can see i edited the post and i added taht so personlly im not ripping ANYONE off
  10. Jelo

    Couple of First GFX.

    no omg i mean when i asked for a sig i was orkng on the first one so yea..... and i started from SCRATCH!!! it was harad though..... Lol
  11. Jelo

    Couple of First GFX.

    lol yea when i asked for a sig its jsut some one does a sig for me and i do some other crap xD so yea
  12. EDIT by Legacy: i have proof that he ripped the last one, and i will do more research into the others EDIT by Jelo: OKAY THE LAST ONE AINT MINE I FKING TOLD YOU THAT I EDITED THE PSOT TO ADD THAT ONE BUT I FORGOT TO PUT THAT IT WASNT MINE and the rest are mine try your best at searching because you wont find Crap about this nothing is ripped its all mine and i worked so much $%#^%# hrs in to this so DONT FKING GET ME MAD ENjoy XD
  13. OMG tahts awsome
  14. HOLY #&!$ taht was hard it otok me 10 hrs to complete :OOO
  15. owned yes and WTF lol
  16. its nice i guess but its not allll taht ...
  17. Jelo

    Halo DS

    remmeber bungie quit microsoft they still will make halo games for microsoft but not all of their games so now their making a game for nintendo wich will reak alot from the video but its a work in progges so it might be cool xD
  18. yah i like em can't wait for a sig lol
  19. Jelo


    i too are looking for one and im a noob -.-
  20. Idk what but whatever your up for much aprectiated if so Thankzzz also ive been learning gfx really good but an you make one for me thankz with my name on it
  21. ty ve been looking for a trainer so it might be in here xD
  22. Jelo

    Funny Videos

  23. Nah i wasnt in it but i uploaded to youtube though xD so i guess i was in it? i think idk wateva xD
  24. i love this much alot this is the only guaidran map i like xD
  25. wait where is it oh nvm found it xD
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