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Everything posted by dylan

  1. well atleast it is not a huge long time ban so you.. i mean they are lucky.
  2. great job, i knew everything but i didnt know how to put stuff inside eachother. thanks alot! +rep.
  3. yea you did but it will probley be different. last year you got the 'can i haz recon' picture master chief i think.
  4. July 7th for 48 hours so its July 7th and July 8th and btw on July 7th there will be a one time only chance to get a free theme and gamer picture from bungie due to its bungie day July 7th
  5. this is the quote from the bungie site ->http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?ty...pnews&cid=14472 now the second double exp weekend (After july 4 weekend) it says [sPURIOUS INTERRUPT: PACKET LOST - ERROR CODE 5929] after reading that line, you insert the paragraph after it, so it would look something like this. from there you can see how it fits into this. if you look at the line that says âââ¬Ã¢ Head2@!#SWa#++-DL*SLAj3r there is Head2@!, SWa#, DL*SLAj3r. from this you can look at it and read Head2Head, Swat, DLC Slayer. but also even furthermore, this is from a link to the signifigence of seven in halo ->seven / END DISPLAY */ Out of 5929, 5+9+2+9=25 2+5=7 Also, with "93% packet corruption", 7% was left uncorrupted. Also, in that same update, in the DoubleEXP playlist's list there's a line that reads "[sPURIOUS INTERRUPT: PACKET LOST - ERROR CODE 5929]" same, 5929 is 5+9+2+9=25 2+5= 7, maybe a special reference to a special playlist on July 7th so even from there you can see that the 5929 is a reference to july 7th..Bungie Day!. so for 48hrs (Seen here "48hr0x0ABFFFFF [ERR 5929]") Swat, Head2Head, and DLC slayer will be Double Exp.
  6. no, it means swat, h2h, and dlc slayer is double Exp for 48hrs. Look it over.
  7. Well since the Mythic Map Pack is coming out soon, I began to wonder what the two other maps will be. One we all ready know what it will be, Cold Storage, a Chill Out remake but what will the other two be? Purple Region Now, Purple Region reminds me of Elites and Covenant releated. So most likely it will be somewhat of an alien structure. This one, most likely, will be a completely different and a new map. meaning it will not be a remake. But, when i think of Elites and what they build, i think of purple structors with many floors most likely inclosed and very small. But if it would be a remake, my guess would be a Derelict remake. The Covenant tend to make very small and tiny rooms, but they are of course more than on story tall. But this map is shot down because it is too small to forge in and because of this, Bungie would most likely reject this map. But the idea of Derelict and Purple Region is the same. It would be made up of two floors or mabye three. It would be good for Juggernaut and Odd ball as well as team slayer and Free For All game types. Also, it is a possiblity of a Warlock remake. Another possiblity would be a covenate ship like Truth and Reconciliation or other ships of that type. Meaning a lot of hallways, a few rooms and the possibilty of a docking area (Very open and large). If this would be the case then it could be a possiblity of a Damnation or a Rat Race level type level. and i say type meaning it is sorta like the map and takes some of the qualities of the map but it is not a remake. Space Camp (MoonBase Alpha) When you here the code name for this map, you probly think space. And do I, but i do belive this is a Blood Gultch or a Coagulation remake. Since it refers to space and the a moon base, I first thought might have been like a space station much like the first level of halo 2. But, what drew me to the conclusion of a possible Blood Gultch type remake is that on moons and other planets there are craters and ridges. So you will probley be fighting in crater or a gash in the planets surface. With the two bases on the diffrent sides as normal . But this is may not be a Blood Gultch remake. Another possibilty may be you may be fighting inside of a moon. Like rather than be fighting phiscally on the moon you are in some sort of UNSC base carved into the catacombs or caves that are in the moon in efforts to discover more about forerunners. But with a simple search of the phrase "Moon Base Alpha" you come up with a link to a site like this http://www.space1999.net/~moonbase99/ now this is long shot but still worth to say, it was a 1970 scifi show so yes it could be possible that one of the map makers for bungie was a fan of that show thus the code name. searching through that site I went into the Technical Section which can be found here, http://www.space1999.net/~moonbase99/technical_section.htm and scrolling down there is a picture of a base. Looks like some weopons and a launch pad. But, what can be expacted from this map is many rooms and narrow walk ways. Either that or it will be very open and inclosed at two points. I am not to certian which one it will be like but the four maps that fit this discription could be either a Blood Gultch ramake, a Gephyrophobia remake (which was for Halo PC only), a Infinity remake (also for Halo Pc only) or a Containment remake. In these levels, there is a possiblity for a Gauss Hog introduction into multiplayer due to the space avalible in these levels. Other Stuff In forge, I excpect a blue teleportor due to the white purple and blue colors that could be coming out of the maps. That is all that i can think that would be involed in forge but if anyone feels the have any more please post and i will fix it. This is a copy of my original post over at Bungie (http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=22638005) Please comment over at bungie if you have a bungie profile to keep the thread alive over there, but also you can comment here if you dont or you dont feel like it.
  8. well if it isnt in a multiplayer map, isnt it possible it is in campiagn? it was probly in there if you look, much like cloaking and invincible.
  9. I take some really awsome pictures.all my pictures are here on my FileShare. Also, some of my more favorite pictures can be found here at my PhotoBucket Album. Please download if you like them and rate them. and if they have a thread please comment. Favorite Pictures Dark Ride Foggy Arbiter Spartan Ninja Blue Storm
  10. hey can trycto remove it but if many people download it and put it on there file share then they can't
  11. if i wher you i would do what i did, get the picture set up like make the picture yourself, then just find a modder to do it or soemthing like that.
  12. dude! this is awsome. i wanna play on this map sometime, if your ever doing some testing or anything hit me up at Srgt Something or Atomic *****. i wanna see this in game. it looks awsome.
  13. Take your time. No rush
  14. http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...e&ssid=40687971 the picture is above. its not excatly what i wanted but it will do, if anyone needs a better one please tell me.
  15. Ok, i will have the picture up on my fileshare in the next two hours and i will post it here and also message..i forgot who it is (sorry) but thats not important. Once it is up, Have fun with it! i will put them all up and send them around. If you need someone to resign it too, message me with the name and caption for it.
  16. ? i dont quiet get it. whats gonna happen is a modder is going to edit a picture that i am going to set up today. and i will give them credit on this fourm but no where else for there safty. and it will be resigned to me so they dont get cought. Im more concerned about the modders safty more over how the picture does.
  17. well now.. see the thing is, i cant mod. but i still want the picture under my name. and i would like it very much if no one would to take my idea.
  18. im going to resign them i just need a person to make it
  19. I. Have the account up. So when ever your ready send me a message here. Or an xbl message to Srgt Something or Atomic *****.
  20. dylan

    New gamertag

    oh that would work.. something like that Srgt Something.
  21. Yea! and the caption would be To Bungie, Happy Birthday/Bungie Day! From, The Modders.
  22. dylan

    New gamertag

    I have 2800 microsoft points. I am currently saving like 1600 for maps and that stuff. and i want a new gamertag. so please share your ideas for gamertags for me. Im looking for like something with a military rank in it with another thing, or something random and funny. no numbers. 15 characters or less. thanks alot.
  23. everyone just send me a message here if your going to try it and i will resign it (thats me giving you the info for the account so you can put it on it i think) and i will pick the best one! lol. i will put all of them up but the top one i will sumbit to everyone.
  24. lol i know! im hoping they love it. it would get alot of downloads. i know it. Modded pictures always get more downloads but this one would be special. Maybe Bungie favorites worthy!
  25. to resign it what do i need to do?
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