I did not use photoshop at all, just inverted some colours. tell me what you think...
dude u know what broke my psp??? you will not believe this, it was... A CAR!! YEAHH FOR RUNNING STUFF OVER!!! lol this sucked, but still, i was bored with it... lols
This server should be able to bypass the problem. I use this a lot, (it even works in school!) but yeah try that, or just find other proxies. (btw, this whole thing is a link)
I don't know if this is the right section for this, but if it is, i have seemed to notice that it is very easy to "Bump" and then delete your post, to make it seem like you never did. I think it might be a good idea if you made posts stay until someone new posted. Please move this if it's the wrong section, and if you have not realized this, DO NOT DO IT! It's really unfair.
It is possible but SUPER unlikely. Wayy To big of a game update for this to work...this is just another stupid rumor like all the chains. I HAZ TEH REEKONZ!!! I PWN!! oh wait, i just modded a film, nvm...