I was never a particularly active member, more of a lurker, but I greatly enjoyed all of the people who made the information presented through this site so accessible. It made my Xbox days amazingly more fun and for that I will always be appreciative. Also, learning that consoles could be hacked has been something I carry over even to today, and modding the Xbox gave me the confidence to mod other systems (PSP, Wii, Xbox 360) even though those were (sometimes) not even full soft-mods. It's interesting how the little things can work together to make a memorable experience. I bet someday I'll be recalling to my children how we used to play video games on these things called consoles, and I was one of the few who actually modded mine. It makes me feel like the hackers of old; a small select sub-group doing cool stuff to circumnavigate normal rules and conventions. Thanks to all of you. -leprosexy