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Everything posted by s3cShuN4

  1. s3cShuN4

    Releasing Mods

    Um... That Good for you. I Doubt that their good if you got that many, it's probably just biped here, biped there and oh look a extra elephant... lol thats probly wat he did
  2. lol shot got owened rofl
  3. njce can everybody see the mist
  4. wroung place someone move this
  5. the worthogs are sort of piled up randomly but its still agood map
  6. sweet man great tag list
  7. sweet good job man
  8. nice mod dark is their any dif between the small trees tag and the big trees tag i mean the size is there any big dif or is it a pretty small dif
  9. dark it looks great man you make the best mods i'll download it three days from now
  10. O MY GOD Bungie has gone completly f**king insain my god bungie can suck my D**k they need to get over their self just because we make pll like our map s then theirs they think they can screw us over
  11. looks great when i can download i will love fhe waterfall mist
  12. i go to NewOrleans and Florida good times
  13. lol looks great and funny looks like a real concert if concert had robomen and 8ft tall aliens and in a weird factory that makes weapons to fight talking apes weird dog things with big eyes and littel things that breath meth
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