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Everything posted by EHNJ

  1. No-one knows how to do it? That sucks. Anyways I fixed the video on my OP.
  2. Well I guess it isn't CE v2, but I still don't know why it won't work. I will just make a vid and if you guys could just tell me where I go wrong.
  3. This is what I get. Does anyone have a working Container edits v2 that I can download?
  4. I like it. Really helps me out! Good job!
  5. What dimensions do I resize it to? Is it just as big as the old pic or can it be smaller? Also when I extract it, it says it cannot be read, so I can't open it in paint. And does it have to be offline?
  6. Can anyone make a tutorial for this because all of the old tutorials don't work for me.
  7. EHNJ

    The Pit Bound

    If you put it in a film you can't be banned. Drr
  8. EHNJ

    The Pit Bound

    Fileshare plz? For the less fortunate.
  9. I like some of their vids like the no scope song and the warthog one.
  10. Cannot Be Displayed Some HLG guys did this. Its amazing but only few know how to do it. FYI I hate HLG.
  11. That and it was guest and social. Garbage. I give that a 2/10. Maybe they should do ranked. Oh they suck at that.
  12. Auto-Turrets would be awesome! I can just see an infection game with them.
  13. Alright I will give tis a try. Looks interesting.
  14. Looks like a fun map. Can't wait.
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