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About EHNJ

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  1. EHNJ

    It was fun.

    Damn, I remember first joining this site...I saw it decline and then just forgot about it, honestly. This is the only forum left where my username is EHNJ, too. Edit: And I still have a link to Team Mr Kleen in my sig, HA!
  2. Holy tits, Batman! Can we buy them at these prices or close online?!?
  3. EHNJ


    Don't forget L4D2.
  4. 1. Resigned/Rehashed it. Didn't work. 2. It loads the right level and area, just no mods.
  5. Doesn't work.
  6. Didn't resign them. Didn't work. Resigned them. Didn't work. Here's the only thing, when I load up Halo 3, the first time it comes up with a "Disk is not Clean". The second time I load it up, it's fine. Thing is, I installed it to my HDD. Can that be the problem? EDIT: Cleaned my disk, no message popped up. Still spawned me in a regular checkpoint where I can't drive the Scarab. Also, tried an ODST save, worked perfectly.
  7. Every time I go to play them, it loads. But when it finishes loading, it just puts normal MC at a normal Checkpoint. I've tried this with the Scarab and Hunter save(Yes, I'm using the account and changing my Alt MAC address). Is there anything I am doing wrong?
  8. Can't get it to work. (Scarab)
  9. Well, there goes all the fun. ******* MLG faggots. Anyways, I believe these are real. No game looks good in Alpha testing.
  10. EHNJ

    Kanon (Review)

    Saw this in your sig. Anyways, I just watched the show and holy shit is it good! I have to try this out too, only after I beat Clannad (Also amazing series).
  11. Cool. I never got to play the Beta, though. Beta Spartans > Regular Spartans. When I first saw this, though, I thought they got the Beta working or something along the lines. lol
  12. Sorry for the HUGE bump but where does this go? With the rest of the DLC maps? EDIT: Guessing this can't be done with a regular 360?
  13. Ummm....change "buttons_default" to "screenshot"-----? There was a video on YouTube I believe.
  14. ^This. Also, I took it off so it's ok now.
  15. Depends on how you use it. You could send to any site in existence today. Slig's was redirecting to meatspin so I had to exit quickly but say you link it to a...idk...phisher site that looks exactly like Xbox.com? Now they aren't going to notice are they?
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