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Everything posted by adidasoverkill

  1. If u can be assed to read all this s*** gd4u. But at least look at the pics before u hit Backspace. Ok here we go, I need loads of people to help me with my new machinima. I've got a script for Episode 1 and I'm hoping this will turn into a great series. It's not a normal crappy story line believe me. If your interesseted in helping or if you have a group already that r looking 4 a project look down to Cast Background Info: Ok theres alot to this so try not to fall asleep. The series is set 15 years after halo3. Here's the build up to it. With the Brutes defeated on the ark they removed there armies moving on to installation 02 and well just ending up blowing themselves up. Most of the Unsc and elite forces were safe on the ark outside the rings blast Radius. From then life was gd the elites and humans were dicovering cool new technology everyday until they found the terminals. (I read up on it and it turns out the terminals mean something- who cares i got Marathon Man) basically therewere 2 forerunner AI's trapped in there one when evil the other ones gd. Soon enough a stupid elite taps aterminal or somethin and there released. Programmed to destory each a huge war of s*** loads of clones ensues on the ark for 4 years. The gd guy Offensive Bias is losing so he teams up with the Unsc and Elites including Ship Master and Terrence Hood (the guy to give the heart warming speech at the end of h3)and they all fly off to Installation 05 (halo 2, cold storage, lovely neighbours. u no the place?). Anyway Merchendant Bias, the bad guy, has already gained control of the unverse with an army of clones and corrupted peeps 'com to the dark side' stuff. Offensive bias(gd1) makes the Unsc and elite some sweet suits for being such gd pals. and they form a rebelion to take down Hitler, oops Merchendent Bias. The 'Rebelion' start researching how to use the armour and find out that they can use the 'Essence' from flood forms to insert into the suit. Theres alot of dead flood lying around (Ring activated) so they pick some up and insert the 'essence' into 3 suits. Done. Episode 1 is name 'A second Chance' for a reason. remember halo 1 and that marine that gets owned by the flood on the helmet cam. He's one of the main characters, along with an elite and a former brute. There no discrimiation in this Machinima. O theres a bit about MC but i wont tell u that Check here for more ifo on the characters: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Halo_characters Main Characters: The 3 main character all have recon just to get the little kids excited about new episodes. So Yellow or Wallace Jenkins the marine always carrys a Shotgun and Spartan laser. Here the twist he also has Telekinesis u no the power of levitation. Thats cool right? http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo37/adidasoverkill/YellowPower.jpg The Blue Guy named Usze 'Taham the elite always carrys a Sniper Rifle and an energy Sword. He has the power to fly, as a waith bolt, crashing down on various clone, quite fun. http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo37/adidasoverkill/BluePower.jpg The Red one called MiroHaf the Brute always carrys a Spiker and a Grav Ham. But he doesn't need them he has power over fire and can shot fire bombs as well as setting himself alight (its better than it sounds). In the picture he reloads with his spikers as fime bombs fall from the sky. Coolest Pic http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo37/adidasoverkill/RedPower.jpg Here a picture i made of them in all there glory: http://i359.photobucket.com/albums/oo37/adidasoverkill/TheGuardiansGraphic.jpg Cast: I havent gone over every character o if u think ur right for a role email me and ill tell u more about them. Writting Writer 1= Me plz Writer 2 (backup) =? Mains (gd) Yellow- Body/Voice Blue Body/Voice Red- Body/Voice Terrance Hood- Body/Voice Ship Master- Body/Voice Master Chief- Body/Voice Offensive Bias- Body/Voice Main (Bad) Merchendant Bias- Body/Voice Ninja Slut 1- Body/F.Voice Ninja Slut 2- Body/F.Voice Ninja Slut 3- Body/F.Voice Matrix Twin Elite 1- Body/Voice Matrix Twin Elite 2- Body/Voice Forging/Modding If u cna and u want to help me let me no Extras I will need about 6 extras for body acting who will be playing different roles throughout. Editing Camera man 1= Corral Arts Camera man 2=? Editor 1= Corral Arts Editor 2= ? Sorry for the bad speEalng aned grandmar Edits will come soon any comments are welcome. Thanks if u read it
  2. Wow i really like the blackout mod good that theres not loads of random clones around. Can I get these off you some how if you haven't put them on ur fs. My GT is AdidasOverkill Thx 5/5
  3. cl map great job. had lots of fun playing it
  4. I already have the map files i just need a forge map xsata'd from the 360 to actually mod.
  5. Can someone please post a map for me just with like a couple of warthogs and mongouse layed around. So I can start modding properly, yh I did used to think you could mod using .map files until I found the rehasher only does 1mb (I Knon it doesn't work anyway) I can't be bothered buying xsata, as I cannot find them in england atm. Much appreciated.
  6. Hi guys, I'm quite new to the modding scene so sorry if I sound like a n00b. I've been wondering if there are any possiblities that say for a infection or jugganought# gametype. You could change the force colour section to make the character appear like a brute or flood, ?using tags from campaign files /charactr/brute/brute? . (Its probaly be impossible, or you might need to use a .map file i.d.k.) I don't have a game type editer atm, so I probaly don't have clue. But just playing halo on pc this week I just wondered if you could d something like the hunter or grunt mods, It looks pritty complex but reading the other posts on this site about modding, the guys like shade ,anthony, mrtwiggy and others are discovering more information about the game's workings and could soon find away to do something cool like this. Really, all I want is is a yes or no and a brief expaination why, thx
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