Level 50 is the highest in the game. Haven't tried to do it anymore then that using the program though. Thanks this will make the game more fun. +1 Rep
I think I put a master chief clone on it if i change it to like a weapon could I still upload it to my file share? Also can't the new ban hammer detect if the map has been modified outside of forge or if has been taken off the hard drive?
Well I had to mod the teleporter in to get to the flag area because it wouldn't stay there. So it's nothing much modded but it pretty much still classifies because I can't put it on my fileshare.
One Way Out http://halowiki.net/images/d/d3/Cold_Storage_Header.jpg Made by NiCkAdAmZ73 Post written up by nickadamz of iBotModz.net Features: This is pretty much my first map that I have made so yea. - CTF one gametype plays the best. - There is only one entrance to the flag hence the name One Way Out the rest of ways are blocked. - There is an offense and defensive team. - The way to the teleporter is well protected with machine gun turrets and others. - Respawn points are set out strategically. - Has a fight area to get to teleporter. - Has barriers to duck down by. - Has an unusal flag area. - Defense area has been fortified. - Will take team work to win. - Many others. Bugs Have found none but if you find any tell me and i will fix it. Pictures Teleporter Area: http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o270/nickadamz/My%20Pics/Teleporters-1.jpg Defense Area (is same on other side): http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o270/nickadamz/My%20Pics/DefenseArea.jpg Defense Spawn Area (Same room as teleporters): http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o270/nickadamz/My%20Pics/DerfenderSpawn.jpg Fight Area (its the other side of defense area): http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o270/nickadamz/My%20Pics/FightArea.jpg Flag Area (Above teleporter room): http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/1576/flagareahh3.jpg A way to look into teleporter area (you cant get passed it): http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o270/nickadamz/My%20Pics/LookIntoBasearea.jpg Man cannon area which jumps next to two-way teleporter has sniper and others around: http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/4033/mancannonareafj3.jpg Offensive Start Spawn Area: http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o270/nickadamz/My%20Pics/OffensiveSpawn.jpg Offensive other spawn area and teleporters:: http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/1462/teleentrancevh4.jpg Teleporters Exit area: http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/3044/teleexitsjt0.jpg Video Could someone please make one for me? Download Map Type Game Type Made bynickadamz of iBotModz.net IMPORTANT: Can this pleased be moved to the forge area nothing is modded..
Mine has a 320gig hard drive running the latest XBMC and also SlaYers and have a lot of games and a lot of movies and i use it as a backup hard drive for my computer but i havent got anything else special really i want to be able to watch tv on it
A video showing the new dash and how game installs are managed:
also i reckon its pointless games load fine for me at the moment and if they get slow i just clear the hard drive cache and also to do this you will probably need to but a new hard drive and some of us aren't made of money