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Everything posted by bbqizgud

  1. I like the update to bounty hunters the most!
  2. I agree but it still sounds awesome.
  3. Wow, after I reached like level 76 combat in Runescape I quit playing but 70 in everything? I would kill myself. But the main reason I quit is because I got scammed out of all my money + good items.
  4. I love the first song and the killionare at the end is just plain sick.
  5. Alright thanks guys I will just try advertising in my motto/bio. But if you guys do happen to find a site or a potential buyer message me please .
  6. Modding the looks of the 360 no. Modding the data in the 360 yes.
  7. I agree
  8. O_O you should give me some gold and I will be your slave forever lol.
  9. Well, not sure if this is the right place to post this but I hope it is . Well today I tried to sell my 50 on ebay to later find out the took off my auction because it is against ebay rules. So now I am searching for a place I can sell them too for actual money. Any links to a site or something is much appreciated. Thanks
  10. Legacy has a sick sig
  11. Ya it was awesome
  12. Can someone post me a site like this but it is xbox 360 games instead of ipods
  13. The boss for the second temple in The Legend of Zelda OoT...I had no clue what to do.
  14. Wow thank you for this, I have been wanting to see what is so special about photoshop.
  15. lol, now your next goal is 1337 exp
  16. I dont want this update at all
  17. I have to agree but I give it a 3 just because I am not a fan of single player only games.
  18. Im like a 38 and my clan is SPNK Halo is wayyyyy better than COD4
  19. Sounds pretty sweet I thought the DS was for kid games, but I guess not
  20. If you like games like Diablo you will like WoW for sure.
  21. Loved the effect, just not the object lol.
  22. Played this and it is by far one of my favorite modded maps I recommend this to everyone.
  23. Thank you, this did save me a lot of time
  24. How much would a cheap, yet good capture card be?
  25. I have watched all episodes so far and I enjoy every one of them! They are always good for a laugh.
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