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Everything posted by �¢���º�¢���»�¢���º

  1. ok this is what i got. ok so here is what it looks like. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31921-18.gif and this is what i want it to look like. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31921-19.gif ok this is what it looks like in prosilver http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/31921-20.gif
  2. "we all need it were all machinama makers or take part in them" <----wtf does that mean does it mean. All i know is most "all" machinama makers mod or have modded 1 time. exe. Read vs Blue (There intro is modded for there halo 2 videos.), um im a machinama maker " new series in 2 monthss yayaya " but ya. wtf does it mean!!!!!!! i talked to a few bungie ppl and they know i mod and they dont belive that we can take them down. we already did and then they do this wtf.
  3. ok i got a better portal and i have the chat box but it only works on my prosilver style and i want it to work on my SF_Glacier. i did the files that needed to be edited and i put in the files i needed? Edit:---------------------------------------- ok i got the chat box up but it is all messed up i think i sall a post on http://startrekguide.com <------- the name is crazy. but i will look there.
  4. yes they are lol i have took the site down i forgot to make a backup and i could not uninstall the portal so ya. so can you helpme with the first mod install because it is makeing me go crazy.
  5. LET GO! we forgive eachother if u want or avoid eachother thats enough aruement in this topic gosh if u want do whatever just stop freaking out ya i would beleve that if you were not a $%#^%# fag when you joined my party on halo 3.
  6. Ok i have almost finished my site but i need help installing my Chat Box and my portal i got the portal in but it does not show up and i also wounder if you can help me ibotpeaches becase it has the same chat box. Also i have the alphaPORTAL i dont know what it looks like but ppl said it was good (first help me do the chat box. i am going to try othere portals.) thanks and here is the link. i am going to transfer my domain as soon as i finish this. http://tamerica.x10hosting.com/phpBB3
  7. if you have an 120 hdd you need to use xport so ya xplorer does not work with the nice lovely 120 gig hdd's
  8. hold on hold on so what again this tut is confusing i gess i will ask you on live on the 5th lol look ------>
  9. you know fandome you need to get a life just rucking drop it know. or i will give you a
  10. omg i just posted a video here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnRJEyxq7yM does not say that i made it. it just shows the map fag god.
  11. me nicer i was nice you asked me to xsata your maps while i was not home like half the time man and then you $%#^%# kept saying like " can you xsata a map for me?" then i said "ok jut 1 sec (or something like that i said yes thoe)" and then you started your little tamper again.
  12. ok yes it is our map but you would not give it to me i had to steal it from your faget ass friend. so ya. it is your falt and i took credit for it and @#%$ ibotmods i dont care if i get banned your just going to do a $%#^%# ip dan. and it is easy ass hell to chainge your ip.
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