Does anyone know how to edit a Fable save on the original xbox? I've posted on two other websites but they aren't any help. What I really want to do is add a few items and edit my age.
It's original xbox and I don't know what you mean by security sector. But it IS too big to fit on my xbox. I FTP'ed (or whatever) Fable to my computer and made a backup.
I'm trying to burn fable to my xbox but when I try it gets error 112. How do I fix it? If it's too big what should I delete? And while I'm at it, how do I Hack a Fable save?(it's original fable) I can't find any editors.
didn't work. I'm using the main menu editor from UMP V5 but I think I did something wrong cause it works until it hits the main menu and then it says the "Disc" is dirty or damaged. Any help on using the editor?
how can I make a modded map be on my map list as if it's a new map? Because I have a mappack I cant fit Halo 2 in my games folder so I want to add modded maps to the map list so I can play them in the mappack.
elite lvl 2 was 110 but plus the 9 I have now is 120. and no problem. I can wait. nothing too special to wait for. EDIT: now that I looked at the banner for the post count ranks, I should be elite lvl 3. but as I said, I don't really care if I dont get my post count back for awhile. But thank you in the future when you do get my post count back =)
what happened to it? I asked several times about it but no responses. I want my old post count back. I was an Elite lvl 2! I want my post count back but why wont peaches give it back?
yeah. I hope so. And maybe ( whoever made this) should make a tut on how to make the forge in maps to make the 3volved series of mods much better. Being more on topic, Looks very nice. But I'm too lazy too test out and scan now. Maybe on Saturday. P.S. Any1 wanna test with me on XBC on Saturday? It would be nice. and if thats spamming, please delete.