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Everything posted by bballer1092

  1. yeah i tried those but still everytime i hook up my hdd it isnt recognized
  2. I have the xport360 docking station but i lost the driver disk. Does anyone know where i can find the drivers?? i searched and cant find them
  3. i am using xplorer360
  4. im trying to make my first mod and i did everything i was supposed to and when i go to put the map back on my hdd first i get the normal message this file already exists do you wish to overwrite then i get an error message saying "Unable to delete file; file not found!". Am i doing something wrong? NVM about that i figured it out but know i have a diff. prob. my mod comes up as a black screen what does it mean?
  5. basketball
  6. cain and abel is a really good program for passwords but i prefer ophcrack. I found that it is a little faster
  7. im not sure if you can but try click add a new theme and highlight all the themes in the folder and see what happens
  8. 1. Install windowsblinds normally 2. After install a registration notice will pop up close the window then close the second 3. go to task manager and kill process (look at readme for which) 4. click the patch.exe and browse for WbSrv.dll and patch it (program files/stardock/object desktop/windowsblinds) 5. then click save license and save in program files/stardock/object desktop/windowsblind 7. Enjoy
  9. ok do u want any help? if yes tell me where u are stuck
  10. bballer1092


    thats what i figured thanx
  11. does anybody know how to do this?
  12. bballer1092


    Please dont act like i am stupid or anything. I am a noob at modding and this is probably a stupid question. Is there any public server sided con resigner or do i have to know a person to do it for me?
  13. yeah it is somewhat confusing. Did you figure it out? If not ill see if i can help you
  14. it is already in use
  15. can i get a code plz
  16. can u reup the pics
  17. bballer1092


    i dont think that is true but i know xport isnt, thats what i use
  18. really, ive never had any problems with it
  19. i didnt know you could make vista portable, i thought you could only get xp. Mind telling me how to do it
  20. do you have xp or vista?
  21. this is a very useful tool when you customize your own
  22. Windows Blinds 6.10.55 + 100 themes + patch one of my favorite programs for themes. Works on XP and Vista Website: http://rapidshare.com/files/122706715/Wind...0.55_themes.rar WindowBlinds is a one-of-a-kind utility that allows Windows users to completely change the look and feel of the Windows interface by applying a new skin. There are thousands of different skins to choose from that are freely downloadable from the WindowBlinds website. A WindowBlinds skin can make Windows look like an alternative operating system, like their favorite sports or car brand, or something completely new. Because WindowBlinds uses the latest hardware acceleration features of modern video cards, WindowBlinds won't slow down your computer and uses very little memory. WindowBlinds is safe and easy to use. It doesn't alter any system files and users can switch between the default Windows look and feel and a custom WindowBlinds skin with the click of a button. In addition, WindowBlinds has been tested to ensure it works with Windows Vista, so you know it is compatible, reliable,, and more secure. Customize the look & feel of Windows Tired of your computer having the same old look as every other computer? Want to give your Windows PC its own unique style? Stardock WindowBlinds will let you apply thousands of different skins (visual styles) to change the look and feel of your entire desktop. WindowBlinds is so flexible that users can create skins that mimic the look and feel of other operating systems. Pictures: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23278-273.jpg Also if any1 needs any programs, Ask and ill see what i can do! Created by iBotModz post generator
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