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Everything posted by SpaZZ

  1. SpaZZ

    Dev Mods

    That doesn't make any sense. I haven't modded for a while now but if you can change the HLMT on a map that does have a soccer ball and a fly mobile such as a hornet on Avalanche it should work. Also you should be able to swap dependencies.
  2. It would be more user friendly if you broke it down into steps not a wall of text tldr
  3. It's been said already that if it does then we will release a new key.
  4. I think he's asking what he should do on the map. But I don't know just use your imagination.
  5. Hey abyss don't start swearing at these guys. No pics, didn't happen. And no one wants to download stuff from a meany face.
  6. snowmon you can just mod the author name to say it.
  7. The towel trick can work but it also can't. If it already has the red ring it can't hurt to try. Just put a towel around it and leave it running overnight.
  8. Yes all modding programs out to date should work for your XP computer.
  9. I perfer the XPORT because I prefer quality more then price. It also depends on your money situation.
  10. Modded film clip. And he just got recon.
  11. SpaZZ

    Common Tags

    I believe that tag is in every map.
  12. Nope. There is a section in Johnson where you can change it. However you have to mod the actual map so that's .map modding. So no it can't be done.
  13. No it takes about a day. But it's easier if you just don't put anything.
  14. Yeah think of it like the film is like a game that you can't control and AI is moving according to the game.
  15. The pics don't load for me =(
  16. They won't work. You can't run homebrew software on a 360. Except for a flashed dvd drive.
  17. You can but you need a separate object and you would have to figure out how to make it like a switch.
  18. I didn't get what you were saying at all.
  19. SpaZZ

    Xsata Service

    No one will pay for this service.
  20. No one (without a dev kit) has acheived that yet.
  21. When has campaign modding been done?
  22. What makes you think others want theirs banned. And just make a one month and upload it there.
  23. Sorry. I just rethought it and it would work still. Cause it works the same way people download usermaps online then put them on their hard drive.
  24. I don't believe it would work anymore. Because you don't have that file on the hard drive. You would need a copy of that one on the hard drive already.
  25. No, you can't copy files onto a removable storage device. You need a transfer kit.
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